I had no idea that the German term for singer-songwriter has made it into the English language. A liedermacher (pronounce approximately: ‘leader-ma-her) is basically a song maker, thus the literal meaning. The word only came up after WW II, notably introduced by German musician Wolf Biermann. Being of a more conservative family background, I wasn’t […]
To Ponder
Letter: Living in the Moment
Ever get discouraged? Despondent? Downcast? Sure, we all do. So, some encouragement. For you. Mainly for me. Just a half-hour ago I was sitting in my truck in the church parking lot scrolling on my phone when the following appeared, a quote attributed to Sangeeta Rana, entitled “Moments.” “Let life unfold slowly, take it day […]
Letter: Tears on Flowers are so Beautiful
“There’s nothing like a little rain to bring people together,’ wrote George Marek. And what of these people caught in the sudden spring shower, who dash about seeking shelter, total strangers having forgotten their umbrella, huddled briefly together, dripping everywhere, puddles forming beneath their feet? They’re wet, that’s what they are. But that’s not all […]
Letter: Clover Park High School: Happy and Proud? About what?
Submitted by John Arbeeny. May 22, 2024 UPDATE: Comments have been closed. Each week as a public service Lakewood CARES will be providing an academic situation response to schools highlighted in the Clover Park School District (CPSD) “#SuperSchoolShoutOut“ articles in The Suburban Times. This is data you will not find elsewhere in CPSD public relations […]
Letter: Merry Me!
“Hey, guys, look at this.” Workers at the wrecking yard, grabbing their morning coffee, gathered around the multiple screens displaying visuals of the far reaches of the acres of damaged cars under surveillance. As with all the cameras – capable of reading expiration dates on vehicle license plates – one of the cameras showed on […]
Water Ways to Help our Community
I had a nice time speaking at the Lakewood Lions last week on “Water Ways”. They are a friendly group and always seem to be working for a better world, which I appreciate. As an example of what can be done here in Pierce County, I spoke about the collaboration between Fife, the Port of […]
Let’s Talk! – Grabbing Each Branch for the Climb
What a great prompt from Tyrean Martinson’s book, again! As I am writing this, I can’t switch off my screen, of course, but after having received the topic, YOU can! When I was a kid and a teenager, I LOVED climbing trees. In front of our apartment building, there was an old cherry tree with […]
Letter: Drum Roll
“In an ambulance. Accident. Blood.” That’s it. A cryptic five-word text. Nothing further. She had traveled a long distance to be with her little grandbabies. It wasn’t like it was a big deal really. Tour their school; smile often; hug breathlessly; say how much she really loved the drum performance. The big deal though for […]
Across the Fence: Hügelgrab
Today, the Germanism I have chosen will lead us into the Neolithic Age – and what we are still able to find, interestingly all over the world: the burial sites that are falling into the category Hügelgrab (pronounce approximately: ‘hoo-gal-grahb, meaning mound grave). They are gravesites built from rocks, then covered with smaller stones and […]