Sunday morning was my second visit within two weeks to Cook’s Tavern near the Proctor District. I still don’t know what to think. From the amount of people who were already sitting down when we arrived between 8:45 and 9 am, and those that arrived after us and waited for seating, I’m guessing most other […]
To Ponder
Not All of Our Hungry Speak for Themselves
I know you’re seen them. Standing at the entry and exit points of freeways. Sitting on boxes on street corners. Setting up an improvised studio to serenade us with music. Handwritten signs asking for work or money to buy food. It’s hard to ignore them, but we do. Here in Washington State, the number of […]
Three Easy to Spot Scams Involving Business Websites
Okay, in the image, I’m not sure about the loose women, but I do know that there are people on the internet ready to pick your pocket. Two scams done by email are “come-ons.” One offers first page results on Google Searches and the other is a friendly reminder that your domain name needs to […]
Letter: TNT endorsement a kiss of death
The editorial board of the Tacoma News Tribune (TNT) recently endorsed the incumbents of the Lakewood City Council for the November 7 ballot. Horror of horrors, to hear the TNT tell it, should Lakewood return to the “anti-incumbent fever” that infected the city when Lakewood Cares, described by the TNT as “a political insurgent group”, […]
Westside Story – Rentals, Oh Rentals, Wherefore Art Thou?
Lakewood’s big Rental Housing Safety Program (RHSP) started October 1, 2017. This socialism experiment is already interesting to watch. It appears Lakewood does not have a 100% accurate accounting of which Lakewood properties are rentals and which are not.
The TACID Brown Bag Fundraising Luncheon
When I was first asked to join the board of TACID, the board meeting time/day didn’t work for my schedule. When my schedule opened up years later I joined. At my first board meeting I was asked to co-chair the breakfast fundraiser. They already had a chairman and I had already been to two of […]
Home from Home: German October Fests
October and Fest make for a pretty cool union in everybody’s mind, don’t they? They go with German beer, bratwurst, pretzels, Dirndl, Lederhosen, and oom-pah music. You might think of the Munich Octoberfest. Import it to the Pacific Northwest, and you have it authentically right here. Only … you wish, but you don’t.
Mary Mary’s Cafe in Spanaway – Breakfast and Lunch Only
Our Sunday morning breakfast gang drove from the North end of Tacoma to Spanaway for breakfast last week. The restaurant is Mary Mary’s Café at 16511 Pacific Ave S, Spanaway, WA 98387. They don’t have a website and they are not open past three in the afternoon . . . great place for breakfast or […]
Westside Story – Market Basket Safety
Have you noticed Lakewood is still not doing anything about homeless people stealing $350 market-baskets, commonly called shopping-carts or grocery-buggies? Even though there is an easy, inexpensive, and effective solution to the market-basket theft/blight/safety problem, Lakewood refuses to take action.