From a fantastic meal to a fantastic show, self-driving cars make an evening out easier . . . and there is no one to tip except for the food, of course.
From a fantastic meal to a fantastic show, self-driving cars make an evening out easierWe step out of our car and walk into Pacific Grill on Pacific in downtown Tacoma for dinner. We have pre-ordered parsnip soup and steelhead lox appetizer with the filet mignon for the main course. Peg and I both order wine. When we finish, Pacific Grill has our car waiting for us. Within five minutes we’ve been dropped off at the entrance to the Pantages and we’ll soon be ordering a little more wine.
We have tickets for the touring production of the second revival of the musical Hamilton, which is fantastic and stars the originator Lin-Manuel Miranda. After the third bow we walk out of the pantages and choose a mini-bus going to the west end, which drops off passengers at their homes. On the way to our homes we chat with fellow play-goers about the production and music. We offer our fellow passengers some chocolates from Tacoma’s Johnson Candy, which we picked up on the way to dinner. Our new friends are thrilled. A lovely evening with no worries about traffic, parking, nor the weather. Virtual door to door delivery is wonderful.

Self-Driving or autonomous electric vehicles are just around the corner. If they can deliver on their promise, they will offer a different means of transportation just as automobiles did at the start of the last century. Just think, although some people will want to have their own (a number of manufacturers are planing private versions), most people will probably opt for the convenience of pick up and delivery by someone else. With no need to look for a parking space, no upkeep, and no automobile insurance to pay, they sound like a convenience and budget cruncher combined.
In addition to cars and even commercial vehicles, there are other alternatives as well. A self-driving shuttle bus for neighborhood transit is perfect for small groups going in the same direction. The EZ10 minibus by Ligier can handle 8-10 passengers, which makes it ideal for concerts and plays or even shopping. Sharing the experience makes the trip even better.
A self-driving shuttle bus for neighborhood transit is perfect for small groups going in the same direction.As people age their involvement in the community tends to close in on them as reaction time slows and eyesight weakens. Self-Driving cars will help build stronger communities by letting people of all ages explore our Pierce County cities and neighborhoods for sales, events, and friendships. In addition to helping seniors, they could also be a boon to younger families who have lots of shopping needs, soccer practices, and more. I can hardly wait.