I wish I had tried harder to convince people to record stories and recollections of their parents. Initially, I was suggesting that people record members of what Tom Brokaw called the Greatest Generation. Wikipedia: The Greatest Generation is a book by journalist Tom Brokaw which profiles those who grew up in the United States during […]
To Ponder
Letter: Santa and the Rental Inspector
We’ll light the Official City Christmas Tree this Friday, the day after the deadline to register your rental property for inspection. Santa will arrive by fire truck at 6 P.M. – skipping the chimney scene – and the government- or government-approved inspector will be knocking on your door – bypassing invited-guest pleasantries – sometime in […]
Letter: Itt
Santa is not the only rotund, ruddy-cheeked, instantly recognizable icon who made his appearance by way of the chimney. Although whether Cousin Itt was ruddy-cheeked is unknown given Itt’s “entire body is shrouded by long hair,” the chimney-sliding introduction of this iconic figure in each of the episodes of “The Addams Family” in which Itt […]
Westside Story – In Case You Missed It
The other day, which would have been November 25, 2017, I published a story many of our readers may not have read because of a growing weariness over reading about Lakewood City Council’s Rental Housing Safety Program known as R.I.P. The story was titled, Westside Story – Lakewood Raises Re-Inspection Fees.
Beware of Talking Dolls That Listen
In the Suburban Times article “Roomba with a View, a Memory, and Data” I warned of the possibilities of stored data being shared with products from the Internet of Things (IoT) – “Current Roomba compatible internet devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant give you a small hint about the future and reasons to be […]
Letter: Huskies vs. Cougars
It’s an old joke, one that resurfaces occasionally whenever the Cougars play the Huskies for State Apple Cup bragging rights (and much more than that this year), but it brought back memories of my first ever attempt as a freshman to navigate the UW Seattle campus.
Bamboozling and Warming the Heart of Downtown Tacoma in the 1970s
It was a deathly quiet time in downtown Tacoma. There were more vacant lots than people. The Tacoma Mall had lured away most of the shops and those left were struggling. In 1969, the Downtown Tacoma Association was created to promote and develop retail trade in the City of Tacoma. During the same time I […]
Westside Story – Lakewood Raises Re-Inspection Fees
My last RIP article titled Westside Story – Lakewood Lacks The Capacity outlined Lakewood’s plan to confiscate more rental property owner money by raising the re-inspection fee. It seems that after spending 1/4 million dollars on a custom computer program, Lakewood City Council and Lakewood City staff forgot all about including a provision for keeping […]
Home from Home: Train of Thoughts
Trains have something nostalgic about them. So do train rides – not so much those for the sake of commuting to work in suburban areas as those undertaken for leisure. Maybe it is because their pace is so steady and calm. Maybe it is the landscape you pass through and wouldn’t see from any car […]