Submitted by Aaron Arkin. In Walt Disney’s animated feature, “Dumbo”, a baby circus elephant with unusually large ears becomes the subject of ridicule and is separated from his mother. The very name, “Dumbo” suggests someone with no voice or agency. But he is discovered by the local crows to be able to use his huge […]
To Ponder
Letter: Reflections of and Old White Guy
Submitted by Blake Surina. I look like an old white guy. Or worse. As one friend described me to a human resources representative seeking a reference, “I confirmed for her that you were a ginormous man with a patched eye and grizzled hooked arm. A gravel-toned, furrow-browed, spinner of marvelous adventures. He’s been known to […]
Winds of the Wasteland – Movie Review
Recently on-line I signed up for “Classic TV and Film – Free No Subscription.” The first thing I watched was an old, old classic staring John Wayne (as guitar picking and warble throated Singin’ Sandy). As you may have already guessed this is a fifty-two minute black and white film from the early days before […]
Kid Life; 1965-ish, The Waiting Room/Lobby
“Do I have to go, too?” Simple question. Seems there’s adult stuff to do that requires being accompanied by the kid of the family. “Yes” she said with a word and a look. “Now go wash and put on clean clothes.” No reason to fuss no more, only thing to do was comply. Fair enough. […]
Whose kids are they anyway? The Clover Park School District or their parents?
Submitted by John Arbeeny. The Clover Park Education Association (CPEA-local teachers’ union) May 2021 update letter had a entry that was subtle yet profound regarding the District’s relationship with “kids”: “5. ……….Ron (Banner-District Superintendent) was clear that the district is getting a lot of pushback on adopting this (equity) policy. The district’s philosophy is that […]
Buffalo Soldiers Day Celebration & A Visit to the Museum
If I sit down to write something for my Facebook page and my mind is a blank, I check to see if there is a national celebration for something of interest. I was not disappointed on the 28th day of July. The only real thing of interest was “July 28th is Buffalo Soldiers Day.” “The […]
Across the Fence: The End of a Road
This year, I’ve not been watching the Olympics so far. I remember happier games from way back when that stick to my memory. The 1984 ones in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, will stay my favorite ever. Maybe it’s my end of the road in following up; the Olympic games have become a muddle of impressions […]
Letter: These Critics Don’t Count
Submitted by John Simpson. In reading a recent article concerning Alyssa Anderson Pearson’s reelection bid to the Clover Park School District Board, I was reminded of Theodore Roosevelt’s quote about critics – especially those engaged in spreading misinformation – who are the “cold and timid souls who neither know victory or defeat.” In my opinion, […]
Letter: The Frauds within a Fraud: CPSD Critical Race Theory ‘Stakeholders’
Submitted by John Arbeeny. I became suspicious of the CPSD Critical Race Theory “stakeholders” the moment that I saw the percentages that made up this group of 83 alleged community representatives as stated in various Youtube videos and District documents. CPSD staff: 24% (20) Teachers: 19% (16) Community members: 31% (26) Students/Alumni: 15% (12…..4 current […]