Steilacoom Blvd SW – 87th to Weller – City Project No. 302.0133 – Federal Aid No. 3136(011) Sealed bids will be received by the City of Lakewood at the office of the City Clerk at 6000 Main Street SW, Lakewood, Washington 98499-5027, until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday October 23, 2024, and not later, and will then be opened and publicly read […]
To Know
New report shows ESD’s reemployment program helps job seekers earn more and find work faster
A federally funded program to help job seekers secure a job is working, according to a report released by the Employment Security Department. Job seekers who claimed unemployment benefits and were assigned to participate in the agency’s Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment program (RESEA) were more likely to find a job, earn more money and […]
Lakewood budget season kicks off Monday
Review and adoption of the city budget is one of the Lakewood City Council’s most important policy roles. The City Council begins its review of the proposed 2025-2026 Biennial Budget at its regular meeting Monday, Oct. 7. This will be followed by two special meetings on Oct. 9 and 16 to hear department-specific budgets. A […]
Celebrating 89 Years of Social Security
For nearly 90 years, Social Security has provided income protection to millions of retirees, people with disabilities, their dependents, and families who’ve lost a family member who worked and paid Social Security taxes before they died. In addition to paying benefits, we issue millions of Social Security numbers each year, maintain wage records to make […]
Trash talking
Written by Bruce Dammeier, Executive. As I have said many times before, there is nothing like seeing things firsthand. And sometimes that goes for smelling them, too. How do we know how long our landfill will last? How do we help our community change some long-established habits? How effective are our recycling programs? How would […]
Everest is Free!
Everest is finally released from jail after being found innocent from malicious mischief. Everest collects his property items and is thrilled to see his harness again! He wastes no time in getting his record straight. He still needs to clear up his bad habit of being a snack offender and checks in with his parole officer before […]
HopeSparks awarded $2 million to expand integrated healthcare for kids in Washington State
Submitted by HopeSparks. HopeSparks Family Services has been awarded $2 million in Congressionally Directed Spending from U.S. Senator Patty Murray to expand integrated pediatric mental health in Washington State. In 2018, HopeSparks and Pediatrics Northwest teamed up to integrate mental health and physical health into one setting. Five years later, this fully integrated model of […]
Good Neighbor Village? hmmm…
Via Pierce Prairie Post: Yes, that is the newest name of the tiny home village the Tacoma Rescue Mission and the Pierce County Executive’s office is trying to build in Spanaway., “Good Neighbor Village.” Well, wouldn’t good neighbors follow the county code when they build their operation? Apparently, like when the Mosier home was torn […]
Law Office celebrates 50-year anniversary
By Hailey Palmer, Puyallup Tribal News. Via Puyallup Tribe of Indians. A significant mark in the history of the Puyallup Tribe was celebrated Sept. 23 at the Emerald Queen Casino Event Center in Tacoma as past and present Law Office employees gathered to recognize the 50-year anniversary of the department. Puyallup Tribal Council Chairman Bill […]