Hot summer-type weather has brought large crowds out to the mouth of Chambers Creek in Steilacoom for a variety of water fun. The Chambers Creek Park includes a trail along the creek and groups of young people have developed jumps and other facilities to enhance water activities. Nearby Sunnyside Beach, also in Steilacoom, has also […]
To Know
Scholarship recipients at Lakewood Rotary
SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS AND PARENTS – Lakewood Rotary Club recognized 17 students from Clover Park, Lakes and Steilacoom high Schools Friday during their regular meeting. Each received a scholarship from the club. Although not all the students and parents were able to attend the Friday noon meeting at Tacoma Country & Golf Club, those who were […]
Lakewood museum to remain open
Thanks to a strong show of support from the community, the Lakewood History Museum no longer is threatened with having to close because of a lack of funds. Lakewood Historical Society President Becky Huber said that as a result of a trio of situations the financial crisis has been resolved and the museum will remain […]
Woodbrook Hunt Club topic for May 19 meeting
The oldest fox hunting club west of the Mississippi River happens to be located in the Lakewood area and will be the subject of the May 19 meeting of the Lakewood Historical Society. The Woodbrook Hunt Club was co-founded in 1926 by Maj. J. H. Mathews and Thornwood Estate superintendent Thomas Bryan. Local author and […]
Compassion weekend provides 300+ volunteers at 16 projects
[singlepic id=128 w=320 h=240 float=center] Members of Christ Lutheran Church – between 300 and 350 strong – spent a recent weekend working on 16 different projects around the community in what was called Compassion Weekend, according to Pastor Ralf Kalms. The volunteers put in nearly 2,500 man-hours over the weekend with a cost of $25,000 […]
New apartment/condo complex coming to Lakewood
Dirt work is well underway on the major apartment – condo project at the corner of Steilacoom Boulevard and Lakewood Drive in Lakewood. The site ultimately will be home to about 300 residential units. Developers were required to retain a number of the ancient oak trees that are on the property.
Self-fulfilling prophecies
If you keep telling people things long enough, they start believing it and if what they hear is bad, things start going downhill. For a long time before the current recession became apparent, the national news media, especially the cable news programs, kept talking about recession; is one coming, is it already here, how bad […]
CPTC child center open house
About 100 people filled the Hayes Child Development Center at the Clover Park Technical College Campus Thursday afternoon for an open house and tour of the facilities. The center currently has 87 youngsters enrolled and they are overseen by a staff of about 30 trained professionals under the leadership of Manager Angela Johnson.
Steilacoom seeking Farmers Market vendors, committee volunteers
A Steilacoom Farmer’s Market is in the works with the first event slated for Wednesday, June 24, coinciding with the Town’s outdoor concert series. Additional markets will take place on succeeding Wednesdays through August 19. The market will open each Wednesday at 3 pm and continue through 7 pm on the multi-purpose court in downtown […]