By David Anderson A visit to the principle’s (purposeful) office is in order. Add me to the list of the inane, the archaic, the stodgy – those who believe U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan is mostly wrong with his list of “lessons of these international rankings” that show America’s educational lethargy if not demise.
To Know
Westside Story – Budding Young Artist
By Joseph Boyle – Raconteur The other day I was hanging out at Starbucks when I was contacted by a young woman who asked if she could show me her photography portfolio. The woman’s name is Samantha Lynn Sheehan. She goes by Sam and works as a Starbucks barista. Sam disappeared and quickly reappeared from […]
Letter: Lakewood City Council’s Three-Hour Tour
By David Anderson “Gilligan’s Island” started off with a three-hour tour. The seven members of the Lakewood City Council have been invited by Major General Bret D. Dougherty to a “two-to-three hour tour” of Camp Murray sometime in February or March, 2014 according to City Manager John Caulfield who briefed the council to that end […]
Letter: Keep this Quiet
By David Anderson A 12th Man health warning. What is louder than a pneumatic riveter at four feet? How about 12 decibels beyond the threshold of pain and 50 more than the onset of hearing loss? Do you know what produces a more intrusive and pervasive sound than that cascading from stage to mosh pit at a raucous rock concert, […]
Letter: You’ll Find This Blog for a Yule Log – Odd
By David Anderson The Nativity in a fireplace but not on an Air Force Base. CBN News is reporting this morning about an Indiana couple who were stocking up on firewood and in one of the logs “found what they say appears to be images of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus in the wood.” “The […]
Letter: Warning – Water Ahead, and other “Winter Wonderland” Washouts
By David Anderson Caution: the following has been judged inappropriate for children. It always seemed ironical, if not comical, that the sign warning of water ahead was placed near the water’s edge not to mention at the bottom of a steep hill. In other words by the time you read it probably it was too […]
Letter: Why Men Don’t Do Shopping
By David Anderson A Grinch-like guy’s guide to grappling with the most grueling of all holiday anathemas: shopping. Don’t.
Letter: It’s the Hap- Happiest Season of All
By David Anderson With apologies to Andy Williams. “In Las Vegas, a customer who had purchased a big-screen television at Target was shot in the leg while walking to a nearby apartment complex, KLAS-TV reported.” In Las Vegas, of all places.
Letter: Have You Seen My Car Keys?
By David Anderson What a four-legged unstressed mouse and a two-legged human on marijuana have to do with memory loss. “The human brain has roughly 100 billion neurons (basic building blocks of the nervous system) and can store about 2.5 petabytes of information.” So why can’t we remember where we put the car keys, kids, (fill in […]