Olivia B. Waxman, reporting for “Time, Inc.” writes this past July 2 that “Sealed Air, the original seller of bubble wrap, is rolling out a new version of bubble wrap with bubbles that do not pop.”
To Know
Unique Heritage Bus Tour
We love our history in Pierce County and there’s plenty to love . In fact, if the chair you’re sitting in is in Western Pierce County, there’s a good chance you’re right at one of the spots where Washington Territory began.
Letter: From reviewing golf (carts) to shopping carts to . . . Use of Force Policy?
Now that the U.S. Open is closed, the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) will wrap up its review of golf and turn its attention to the Lakewood Police Department’s Use of Force Policy – in about a year or so.
Letter: “The heart of the matter is the heart”
The title of this article is not original. That is, it is not mine. It belongs to former pediatric neurosurgeon – and Republican candidate for president – Dr. Ben Carson.
Tillicum Crushers to play for the championship!
Who would have thought.
Of five teams the Tillicum Crushers finished the regular season in fourth place. That meant that in the playoffs all but one of their opponents would have home field advantage. And that meant that all but one of the teams the Crushers faced would get last chance at the plate.
The Puppets in My Living Room
The puppets have all gone to the Lakewood History Museum where a display area has been created from the stage they performed on for fifty years. When they go on display Saturday, there will also be a video made 18 years ago so visitors can see Jeanne Charlton in action. Also on exhibit will be the painting of the Dippety Do-Awful Dan, the Dreadful Dragon, by one of the original puppeteers, Vivian Wessels. This exhibit not only marks the celebration of the new acquisition for the museum but also, marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Lakewood Puppeteer.
Letter: An open letter to the Lakewood Police Department
Lt. Chris Lawler,
Per the link here – the Lakewood Police Department’s Press Release found on the city’s website and dated April 22 but as of this date, May 4, not seen in any media publication – “regarding the officer involved shooting (fatal) that occurred on 04-21-15 in the City of Lakewood,” there are indeed “a lot of questions and requests for additional information.”
Do you know who this is?
Among the 53 puppets waiting in my living room for their debut at the Lakewood History Museum on May 9 are quite a few I can identify. And there are some we can only guess at.
Letter: It’s only about ethics if you get caught
April 30 was National Honesty Day. Not that it matters. Unsurprisingly, there is no presidential or congressional declaration honoring even 24 hours of truth-telling.
That being the sad truth, and in the spirit of Lois Lerner’s lost (and more now found) emails, here’s a short fish story – a true story as it turns out – of the one(s) that didn’t get away.