Summer: endless sunny days, rosy cheeks, no more wildly-flying-pigtails-while-airborne-into-puddles but the same peals and squeals of laughter are heard back-and-forth on the swing. Once the harvest is in.
To Know
Letter: Pat O’Brien – ‘Keep principle the principal thing’
Tillicum lost another of its leaders in the recent death of Pat O’Brien. Perhaps my favorite story of those we swapped by phone over the years, and again in the waning days at his bedside, was the opportunity he had to set aside the standard requirements that had been imposed by the school in order […]
Letter: We’re sailing (and playing ball)
The Tillicum Crushers – the 9-and-10-year-olds all from Tillicum Elementary School’s third-and-fourth-grades – will have brand new uniforms this season with a big, bold letter ‘C’ on the cap. Far more than the name of the team is what the letter signifies illustrated by the day many, many years ago that my then-little-daughter and I […]
Letter: The eagle hadn’t landed
It’s an old scraggly, stark-naked tree, not a leaf on any of its many – and most decidedly – dead branches. Like the twisted, gnarly and bony fingers of what remains of a skeletal hand thrusting claws up through the soil which our mom was fond of placing about the yard at Halloween, the solo […]
Letter: Safe at Home
The little guy was standing at third base. Seven years old. His fellow teammate at the plate had swung furiously at the first two pitches. And missed. I knelt down on my knees in the third base coaches’ box and leaned out over the chalk line that fairly shouted ‘proceed no further,’ and spoke as […]
Westside Story – Letter: What Can You Do For $6.00?
Recently Mr. David Anderson submitted a thought provoking letter to The Suburban Times titled, Letter: What Can You Do For $10,000? Mr. Anderson uses his letter for another attack on our Clover Park School Board by suggesting they should stop educating themselves via out-of-town conferences. The letter strongly suggests, that with the money saved by […]
Letter: Larry Saunders – Behind the Badge
On this January 9 National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (L.E.A.D.), “we show our support for our nation’s approximately 780,000 police officers.” What it means to lead was poignantly demonstrated by first-City-of-Lakewood-Police-Chief Larry Saunders whose life of leadership was cut short too soon with his untimely and unexpected death just this past January 6th.
Letter: “Governments using their citizens as ATMs”
Also known as “policing for profit.” What do the following have in common? Backyard BBQ’s where the applied steak sauce yields – in the opinion of the smoke-detectors, aka Lakewood Code Enforcement Officers (CEOs) and Community Service Officers (CSOs) contracted with the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) – too much pollution?
Letter: What can you do for $10,000?
Now that the Clover Park School District (CPSD) has announced it will put before the voters on Feb.9, 2016 a “replacement educational programs and operations levy proposition,” while not necessarily a levy-breaker this is nevertheless an opportune time to consider what you can do for $10,000. Ten-thousand dollars is the estimated price to purchase a […]