Submitted by Virginia Franciscan Health. Several Virginia Mason Franciscan Health hospitals, including St. Clare Hospital in Lakewood, recently earned top accreditations and certifications for providing high quality orthopedic care to patients. “Our patients are our top priority,” said David Schultz, senior vice president of operations and service lines for Virginia Mason Franciscan Health. “These recognitions […]
To Know
Tacoma Community College, Global Studies Institute Launch New Online International Program for Qatari Students
On April 19, 2021, Tacoma Community College (TCC) and Global Studies Institute (GSI) from Qatar signed an agreement that will bring high-quality academic programs to Qatar using an innovative live technology platform. Through this partnership, GSI will install a studio on the TCC campus that will be used to deliver associate degrees in business and […]
Strickland Introduces Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Protect Washington Orcas and Other Marine Mammals
Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) introduced bipartisan legislation along with Representatives Stephanie Murphy, (FL-7), and Brian Mast (FL-18) to protect marine mammals like orca, dolphins, seals, and whales. H.R.2848, the Marine Mammal Research and Response Act increases funding for two initiatives—the Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program and the Unusual Mortality Event fund—that the federal […]
The Puyallup City Council May 18 Meeting Agenda
The Puyallup City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on May 18 (6:30 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions on the City’s website.
Permit application for 135,000+ square foot warehouse filed in Lakewood
A Project Permit Application has been filed with the City of Lakewood Community and Economic Development Department. Following is a description of the application and the process for review. The application and listed studies may be reviewed upon request. APPLICATION NUMBER AND NAME: LU-21-00064 – AHBL NEW COMM BLDG – SEPA PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project […]
Obituary Notices – May 17, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Anthony Radochonski. Mountain View Funeral Home: Dorothy Emma Lee; Betty Marie Bain; Carol Ann Smith. Hill Funeral Home: Thomas Dean Low. Gaffney Funeral Home: Greg Hubbard; Wallace Bontemps Jr; Barbara Bichsel.
TCC Student Art Exhibit goes on
This was a uniquely challenging year for art education at TCC. But even with studios closed and instruction happening online, TCC art students created outstanding work. Those interested can see the exhibit at The Online Gallery at TCC through June 11. “There is nothing we, as Art Professors, like better than a creative challenge,” said Art Department Chair […]
The University Place City Council May 17 Meeting Agenda
The University Place City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on May 17 (6:30 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions on the City’s website.
Law expands eligibility for College Bound Scholarship
Legislation signed into law by the governor on May 14 removes the College Bound pledge requirement for students, an administrative hurdle that has prevented many students from accessing the scholarship or even knowing of its availability. Senate Bill 5321, sponsored by Sen. T’wina Nobles (D-Fircrest), had unanimous support. The new law expands the eligibility requirement […]