A lot of us are looking back in history these days, most probably because they want to find out about how people 100 years ago dealt with the Spanish flu and its aftermath. But these days, there is another historical date coming up that changed the world in Europe 75 years ago: European V-Day on […]
To Do
American Lake Closed to Fishing
“Beginning at midnight March 25 and lasting until at least 5 p.m. on April 8, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is closing recreational fishing statewide in response to the governor’s order to ‘Stay Home, Stay Healthy’ and limit the spread of coronavirus.” This includes of course Bill’s Boathouse in Tillicum where the […]
Put Yourself in a Cozy Place
Though we are living in a bizarre world these days, there is absolutely no reason we cannot escape to happier places. And even though traveling has become somewhat restricted, you can always mind-travel. To happy places. Such as my little fictional town of Wycliff on the South Puget Sound, “somewhere between Olympia and Seattle”. Some […]
2020 Lakewood First Lions Club Crab Feed and Dance
It’s that time again to think about purchasing tickets for the Lakewood First Lions Club 7th Annual Crab Feed and Dance sponsored by Heritage Bank and CHI Franciscan. WHEN: 6 p.m. on Saturday, January 25th, 2020 WHERE: Sharon McGavick Center – Clover Park Technical College COST: $60 per person (Chicken for alternative choice) WHY: Great food, dancing to the […]
Help! Peggi’s Cooking A Turkey launch event Jan. 5
If you’re looking for the perfect event to end the holiday season – that will be the launch event for the brand new delightful teeny tiny book, Help! Peggi’s Cooking a Turkey by Peggi Selden Rowe. The Launch will be held at the Oldfield Western Heritage Center on Sunday, January 5, 2020 from 12-3 pm. This […]
Special Christmas Show Records Friday, Dec. 6, at Lakewood Senior Center
Time for Christmas Giving and all that sort of thing, but why not take a break this Friday morning (December 6) when Dorothy Wilhelm’s podcast Swimming Upstream will be recorded at the Lakewood Senior Activity Center. The fast moving show includes: 9:30 – Interview with creativity expert Marilyn Schoeman tells how to apply Green Light […]
Susanne Bacon Signs Books at SHMA
It might be your last opportunity of getting yourself a signed copy of one of my books this year! I’ll be at the Steilacoom Historical Museum’s Holiday Store on Sunday, November 17, 1 through 3 pm, with my latest Wycliff novel as well as my essay collection “Home from Home”. “Home from Home” ran as […]
SHMA Holiday Store Opens Doors
It’s become a long anticipated, beautiful tradition that the Steilacoom Historical Museum Association (SHMA) has created right in time for Christmas. The SHMA Holiday Store opens its doors in mid-November again and invites anybody to browse its beautiful gift items on Saturdays (10 a.m. through 4 p.m.) and Sundays (noon through 4 p.m.). Marianne Bull, […]
Lakewood First Lions Club Annual Crab Feed and Dance set for Jan. 25
It’s that time again to think about purchasing tickets for the Lakewood First Lions Club Annual Crab Feed and Dance! WHEN: 6 p.m. on Saturday, January 25th, 2020 WHERE: Sharon McGavick Center – Clover Park Technical College COST: $60 per person (Chicken for alternative choice) WHY: Great food, dancing to the music of our new […]