A Clover Park School District story. Our Clover Park School District Promising Futures featured student this week is Lakes High School Senior and 2023 Daffodil Queen Vivian Llorens Hernandez. Vivian is an ambitious student with many classes and activities on her plate. She is currently a full-time running start student at Pierce College, a second lieutenant and platoon […]
Prepare in a Year: April
West Pierce Fire & Rescue announcement. West Pierce Fire & Rescue is dedicated to ensuring the community is prepared in the event of a disaster. During major disasters, such as an earthquake, firefighters may be delayed in their response to 9-1-1 calls and the community will need to rely on each other to assist until […]
Support Student Learning by Completing the CPSD 2023-24 Budget Development Survey
Clover Park School District announcement. Each spring Clover Park School District develops a budget to be reviewed and approved by the school board for the upcoming school year. Members of the CPSD community are invited to take part in the budget development process by participating in a ThoughtExchange survey on key priorities the district should consider as […]
Hilltop Tacoma Link Extension and NE 130th Infill Station to receive low-interest federal loans
Sound Transit announcement. The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) is providing nearly $173 million in low-interest loans that will reduce regional taxpayers’ costs to support the construction of the Hilltop Tacoma Link extension and the NE 130th Street Infill Station along the Lynnwood Link extension. The loans will save taxpayers at least $26 million over the […]
Strickland Launches 3rd Annual Congressional Art CompetitionFollow
Office of Rep. Marilyn Strickland announcement. Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) announced that her office will begin accepting submissions for the 2023 Congressional Art Competition is an opportunity to recognize, honor, and encourage young artistic talent across the nation. “The Congressional Art Competition allows students to showcase their artistic talent and represent the South Sound through […]
Grants available for watershed improvement projects
Pierce County announcement. Pierce County is partnering with watershed councils, local nonprofits and agencies to fund a small grants program supporting community projects that improve habitat and water quality across the county. The 2023 cycle will award more than $70,000 total to projects in four watersheds: Key Peninsula-Gig Harbor-Islands, Chambers-Clover Creek, Puyallup-White River, and Nisqually. […]
Camp Invention’s Fun, Action-Packed Summer STEM Program Coming to Steilacoom
Submitted by Camp Invention. Steilacoom, Wash. – Camp Invention®, a nationally recognized, nonprofit summer enrichment program, is coming to Steilacoom the week of July 24 – July 28, 2023. A program of the National Inventors Hall of Fame®, in partnership with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Camp Invention challenges children in grades K-6 to tap […]
Obituary Notices – April 6, 2023
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Ricky Lee Maire; Donald Lee Fowler. Powers Funeral Home: Marjorie Ann Gallatin; Connie Lou Barber. Gaffney Funeral Home: Elaine Margaret Crouse. Mountain View Funeral Home, Memorial Park & Crematory: Gerry H. Bassinga; Anthony Edward Donlin; Danna Dugan; Brian Paul Durkee; Arlene M. Iseberg; Larry Dean Jones; Wayne Larson; James E. Leggett; […]
In The Gallery: Tacoma Community College Art Faculty Exhibit
Tacoma Community College announcement. Celebrate the TCC Art Faculty and their work at the TCC Art Faculty Exhibit Reception! The reception will be held 4-6 p.m. April 7 in The Gallery, Building 4 at Tacoma Community College. Visit the exhibit Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. on days the college is open. Free admission, and visitor […]