New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Richard “Dick” Overman. Mountain View Funeral Home: Matthew K. Bodhaine; Norma Jean Larsen (Gross); Virginia Rutledge; Thomas Spiller. Scott Funeral Home: Kunti Fijian; James Ellerbee Jr.; Tyronda “Ty” Bermudez. Scanlin Cremation & Burial: Olivia C (Zorman) Herring.
Snow! That means it’s Baseball Time in the Northwest
Submitted by Lakewood Baseball Club. Well, we probably won’t PLAY baseball in the snow, but it’s time to start thinking about baseball. Sign-ups are now open for the Lakewood Baseball Club, an affiliate of All Things Baseball, a 501c3 in the State of Washington. In 2024, LBC increased participation to 262 boys and girls (more […]
Maureen Fife Announces Retirement Plans
Submitted by Libby Catalinich, President, Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity. It is with tremendous gratitude and appreciation that I share with you that Maureen Fife, our Chief Executive Officer, has announced her retirement effective June 30, 2025. Maureen has been an outstanding leader for nearly two decades, transforming Habitat from a small team into the […]
Letter: The real heroes
Submitted by Greg Alderete. The Grammys and Oscars have long been celebrated as the pinnacle of achievement in music and film, but in a world facing real struggles, should they be our highest honors? Every year, celebrities—already wealthy and famous—gather to applaud each other in lavish ceremonies, while the true heroes of society go unrecognized. […]
State Board to hear legislative session update at February meeting
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges press release. Members of the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges are slated to hear an update on the 2025 legislative session during their regular board meeting Thursday, Feb. 6. Included in the update will be a report on college system policy proposals on expanding College Bound […]
Obituary Notices – February 5, 2025
Mountain View Funeral Home: Rose E. Enoch. Scott Funeral Home: James Ellerbee Jr.
Lakewood Community Foundation Fund accepting grant application
Lakewood Community Foundation Fund announcement. The Lakewood Community Foundation Fund is now accepting applications for grants from the Lakewood community’s 501c3 organizations. Total grant funds available will be approximately $40,000, to be determined. April 11, 2025, is the deadline for grant submission. All grants will fulfill the Fund’s ideals, as expressed in their Mission and […]
Dress rehearsal for upcoming crab feed
Lakewood First Lions announcement. Lakewood First Lions Club members Eric Warn and Dr. Bob Allen do a dress rehearsal as greeters for the club’s eleventh annual crab feed and dance at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 22nd, at the Sharon McGavick Conference Center on the Clover Park Technical College campus. Questions? Go to
TPS Projection Meeting first Wednesdays
Submitted by Tacoma Photographic Society. Are you a photographer interested in sharing your photos, learning tips and meeting new friends?Come check out the Tacoma Photographic Society. Our monthly Projection meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month starting at 6:30pm at Curtis High School in University Place. Members submit images each month for review […]