Social Security touches the lives of nearly every American. Millions count on us — retirees, people no longer able to work due to disability, dependents, and survivors. As a member of the Rural Partners Network, we want to continue reaching out to rural communities. We make it easy for you to access our programs and […]
Supplemental Security Income for Children with Disabilities
Did you know that Social Security’s Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program provides cash payments to children with disabilities whose families have limited income and resources? A child must meet all of the following disability requirements to be considered medically eligible for SSI: The child must have a medical condition(s), that result in “marked and […]
Eligibility for Social Security Spouse’s Benefits
Social Security helps you secure today and tomorrow with financial benefits, information, and tools that support you through life’s journey. If you don’t have enough Social Security credits to get benefits on your own record, you may be able to receive benefits as a spouse. Your spouse must be receiving benefits for you to get […]
Social Security Expands Compassionate Allowances List
Martin O’Malley, Commissioner of Social Security, today announced nine new Compassionate Allowances (CAL) conditions and revisions to two existing CAL conditions: Bainbridge-Ropers Syndrome, Costello Syndrome, Adult Heart Transplant Wait List – Status Levels 1-4, Child Heart Transplant Wait List – Status Levels 1A/1B (revised existing condition), Histiocytic Malignancies, Histiocytosis Syndromes (revised existing condition), Neonatal Marfan […]
Understanding the Need for a Representative Payee
You may know someone who gets a monthly Social Security benefit or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment and who also needs help managing their money. We can appoint a person or an organization to act as a “representative payee” responsible for receiving and managing a person’s Social Security benefits or SSI payments. When we assign […]
Accessing Your Personal My Social Security Account
For over 10 years, my Social Securityhas helped many people access our programs and services online. Soon, we will change the way you sign in to all our online services ─ including my Social Security. You will no longer be able to sign in to your personal my Social Securityaccount using your username and password. Instead, you’ll need […]
Ready to retire? Apply online with Social Security
It’s never too early to start planning for retirement and our online tools can help. Go to to access your personal mySocial Securityaccount to get an estimate of your retirement benefits based on your earnings record. Once you have an account, you can use our Plan for Retirement tool to see how your benefits […]
10 ways to protect your personal information
Identity theft affects millions of people each year and can cause serious harm. Protect yourself by securing your personal information, understanding the threat of identity theft, and exercising caution. Here are 10 things you can start doing now to protect yourself and your loved ones from identity theft: We encourage you to create your own […]
Social Security’s commitment to the LGBTQI+ community
June is Pride Month. It’s a time to acknowledge the LGBTQI+ community and also celebrate diversity, love, and respect. On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, holding that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry in all states. We recognize same-sex marriages in all states, as well […]