The 2024 Pierce County Historic Preservation Grant Program, which assists in funding multiple preservation efforts in Pierce County, is now accepting applications through noon on Oct. 2, 2023. Grant requests can be made for historic preservation or history-related project proposals. For properties designated as an official landmark in Pierce County, the maximum grant request is […]
Heroes among us
Pierce County Executive, Bruce Dammeier announcement. Over the last week, incredible people who live in our community have volunteered to leave their friends and families and take on the unenviable role of searching for lost souls in Maui. We’ve all read and heard the heartbreaking stories of residents and tourists fleeing the fast-moving flames. Sadly, […]
Stage 2 Burn Ban starts August 18
Pierce County Twitter/X post. The Pierce County Fire Marshal and fire chiefs agreed a Stage 2 Burn Ban will start for unincorporated Pierce County Aug 18 until further notice. This is due to the dry conditions and numerous urban wildfires. No outdoor burning allowed. More info:
Kids say the darndest things
Kids in our Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) sure do say the darndest things! Slots available for children aged 3 and 4 in University Place.
Not this time
Pierce County Executive, Bruce Dammeier announcement. I did something this week that I rarely do – I vetoed a piece of legislation that came to me from the Council. In the nearly 7 years I’ve held this office I have only used my veto on 7 occasions, including this week’s veto. So, why did I […]
$4 million to support homeless housing services
Pierce County Human Services is announcing a Notice of Funding Available (NOFA) for an estimated $4 million to support homeless housing services. Apply online before Monday August 28.
Pierce County Council seeks citizen member for Performance Audit Committee
The Pierce County Council is seeking a civic-minded individual to join Pierce County’s Performance Audit Committee to help improve the performance and accountability of Pierce County government. We’re accepting applications to fill an at-large position on the committee through Monday, Sept. 4, 2023. Please apply online here. The Performance Audit Committee plans and coordinates performance […]
Back to school
Pierce County Executive, Bruce Dammeier announcement. With our typical glorious August weather, I like many of you are looking forward to a few days away from work – to rest and relax! But I am reminded that many in our community are ramping up to a new school year. Educating our children and young adults […]
Chambers Creek Regional Park closures Aug. 9-14
From Aug. 9-14, the Soundview Trail and Central Meadow, including the dog park, at Chambers Creek Regional Park will be closed. The North Meadow and Grandview Trail will remain open. The closure is due to the Tacoma Arts Live events taking place in the park Aug. 11-13. Expect increased traffic and limited parking in the […]