A Short Story… Adele sat up on the bed looking out the large glass window from Tacoma General Hospital. She could see the birds, the trees, and even as far as Vashon Island, but in her hospital bed she saw a reflection of a bald head and hardly any hair, just a mirror to stare […]
It’s a Wonderful Life, A Beloved Christmas Holiday Staple at Lakewood Playhouse
Peg and I saw the last dress rehearsal of It’s a Wonderful Life – a live radio play on Thursday evening, the night before the official opening. The last dress rehearsal is a chance to shake the fear out of the actors, the director, and all the stage hands. The premise of this production is […]
Jane and the Balls for the Game
Jane was in love, well . . . perhaps not love, but it might just work its way up to love if she behaved herself. She was enjoying junior college. She had not yet been accepted for the Women’s Fast Pitch team in San Diego, but was a killer at some of the local teams […]
A Christmas Carol At Harlequin – On the Mark and Darn Near Perfect
Ticket holders for the Olympia production were treated to a set of four carolers dressed in costumes from 1843, the year A Christmas Carol was written. Peg and I had seats in different rows. By the time the Carolers finished singing it looked like every seat in the house was taken. For Terry Edward Moore […]
Getting with the Program – Entertaining Local Speakers
I love meetings at groups like Rotary and Transportation Club. I love to arrive early and chat with anyone who sits down at the table. How else can you really learn much about people? Eventually, the meeting leads to an interesting program. When I was president of the Rotary Club of Tacoma #8, I had […]
Damning Disgusting Evidence
I grew up with Mary Anne. I knew her forwards and backwards. I never heard her say a mean word to anyone and in our neighborhood there were lots of mean words describing almost everyone from blocks around. I also knew she didn’t lie. I heard her father beating her one evening when he didn’t […]
Little Girl Lost
If you are a parent and have young children around, you know how easy it is for a small child to wander away and disappear from sight. Sometimes it’s for minutes or hours depending of a number of things. My wife and I experienced the pain of loss several years ago. Our daughter, Judith, then […]
An Oklahoma Dream
I was tired and felt out of place. Just the night before I had been sipping a bottle of beer and talking about Native Americans. I was trying like the devil to remember where my grandmother had been born – someplace in Oklahoma was basically all I knew. A tall American Indian named Sidney sat […]
A Grandmother Cries over a Broken Heart
I met Phyllis at a coffee shop. She was crying. I could have just ignored her or I could have turned around and walked away like most people. Instead, I sat down at her table and said, “Tough day?”. She looked at me and tried to shrug off the need to have a stranger care […]