A Short Story… Larry-David was constantly visiting fellow Facebook people. He liked to see what was going on and who was spreading the new word, whatever the new word happened to be. Larry-David, like a number of his friends, preferred to hold onto his money in most ways. In the St Vincent De Paul Thrift […]
Down in the Dumps
A Short Story… Shelly was down in the dumps. She was waiting for her aunt. If her life wasn’t already low enough to consider flat out crying and throwing up, she was expecting her aunt Rebecka who would no doubt drag her through comment and embarrassment for not working harder and not being at the […]
The Elephant in the Closet
A Short Story… Eddie had been having a good time. Although he hadn’t been doing too much, he was looking at the week and a half as a reward for not screwing up a number of things. He sat back in his favorite living room chair, relaxing with a bottle of beer on the small […]
The Gringo and the Taco – George and Nancy Come Together
A Short Story… George had maybe three days or three days and a half to entertain himself before starting back to classes at the University of Washington. So far he had touristy purchases in Arizona, but nothing of value. He was kinda on vacation and kinda searching for information and details of the past. He […]
A Story of Christmas Presents
A Short Story… It was darn near Christmas Eve. Most of the Christmas presents had been wrapped or sent out. I was about to relax sitting in my rocking chair just a across the room from our cozy fireplace when I realized aside from a few books she asked for, I had nothing on hand […]
Choosing the Road Taken – Compiled by Peg Doman
After being introduced, I stepped up to the microphone and addressed the audience. “It is so nice to see all of you all here this morning. It’s not often that I get to speak to anyone about my early life! Here’s a story I think you’ll like.” “I think I had just turned sixteen. I […]
Pastor John – The Mean and Hurtful Little Man
A Short Story… I’ve always been reluctant to believe those who espouse or support a cause, a belief, or a special way of life for everyone else. For me this all started when I was a youngster decades ago and saw a preacher in a tent above Nalley Valley who attempted to help those who […]
Mr. Trilore’s Educational Problem – Noah
A Short Story… Some teachers don’t care about their students. They, like some regular workers around the world, only care about getting paid and don’t really care about the students in their charge. Mr. Trilore, a local teacher, cared . . . and because he cared, he wanted to get through to his charges and […]
Love and Missing Your Sweetheart
A Short Story… For my birthday and Christmas, my wife had bought me a High Power 12×32 Binoculars with Camera and LCD Screen. Perfect for Bird Watching, but I’m not much into birds. She died a week before Christmas before I got the present. When I finally opened it, it made me cry. On her […]