Julie Andrews (“Mary Poppins”, “The Sound of Music” – Academy Awards and Golden Globe winner, respectively) “stated that she considered this song too difficult to sing because it had no meaning behind it.” Andrews was referring to the 1974 song “Feelings” by Morris Albert, the lyrics “recognizable by their ‘whoa whoa whoa’ chorus.” It’s the […]
Letter: ‘We found her in the tulip fields’ – a story of tragedy, and beauty
After wandering the furthest reaches of the tulip fields in beautiful Skagit Valley, Mt. Vernon, Washington, and me holding our granddaughter the whole time (I wouldn’t give her up), I needed a break from walking and so sat down on the bench outside the gift shop as the girls wandered inside. The bench was busy, […]
Letter: Coming home
‘Are you in a position where you can raise your right hand and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?’ Expert testimony in the courtroom was being handled over the phone and the black-robed judge went through the swearing-in formality as if the person on the other end of […]
Fishing event, town cleanup, trains and more
The Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association newsletter for the month of April can be downloaded here. Remember our monthly community meeting is the first Thursday so April 4, 6:30 P.M., Tillicum Community Center, 14916 Washington Ave. SW.
Letter: Apparently, parenting is making a comeback
If there’s an issue that appears to have piqued the interest – and the ire – of parents it’s Senate Bill 5395 which would require all public schools to implement Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE), middle and high schools by 2020, and down to the Kindergarten level by September 1, 2021. “In all our years in […]
Letter: The light in the lighthouse is there for a reason
She was tall, slender, an attractive blond, her hair shoulder length, well dressed. Then she happened to turn around. The left side of her face was brutally blue, and black, the purplish swellings no doubt once having closed off any ability to see diminishing, but still, a once pretty face didn’t, perhaps couldn’t, smile, it […]
Letter: ‘Democracy dies in darkness’ – not any more
There is, under development, a Smart Litterbox that senses use (“and can send you an alert, if you like to know such things”), and self-scoops out the poop. There is a mirror, mirror now available on the wall which, installed in your bathroom, ensures who is the smartest of all. It can show you who […]
Letter: Clams, Cryptids, and the Ca-ching! Cuisine Pine Mushroom – legislative highlights
Add clams to the Washington State symbols “chosen following dedicated research.” A cryptid – “an animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated” in Washington’s case Bigfoot, aka Sasquatch – was the nomination Valentine’s Day, (don’t you love it?) February 14, 2017. Not to be outdone, the delectable, flavorful, some might even say beautiful […]
Letter: Kamala Harris, the Pandora’s Box of presidential hopefuls
This time it’s legalization of prostitution. Harris is for it. In recent days it was legalization of pot. “The world needs more joy,” said Harris, and cannabis is the cure this presidential candidate proffered for whatever sadness ails mankind. What’s sad is Harris’ rationale. ‘As long as nobody is hurt’ Harris said in an interview […]