No more a memory of sad days gone by. No more the sound of weeping. No more an infant who lives but a few days. No more an old man who does not complete his years. No more. The pain will not dim but rather not come to mind. Clumsy words – so inadequate to […]
Letter: A Carefully Laid Trap, Exposed By The Light Of Truth
Delicately and quietly the tiny aerial acrobat drifted in the faint night breeze. At the far reach of its pendulum swing, the eight-legged insect attached a strand. Once done, it reeled the strand in to tighten it. Then the spider crept carefully back to the beginning of the web and began to spin yet another […]
I Hate Goodbyes
I hate goodbyes, especially when – as in the case of my middle school – those goodbyes are final. Students and staff from Woodbrook Middle School have joined those of Mann Middle School in the Clover Park School District newest school Dr. Claudia Thomas Middle School. Woodbrook Middle School is no more. One day soon […]
Letter: So, is it true after all?
“We’re all just trash, waiting to be thrown away! That’s what all a toy is!” Lotso argues with Woody in Toy Story 3. “You were made to be thrown away. Ain’t one kid ever loved a toy, really.” We were in line this weekend at the City of Lakewood’s wonderful Community Cleanup program. In partnership […]
Letter: “Where’d they go?”
If my favorite snack before bedtime is ice-cream (and it is), then my favorite morning breakfast cereal is Raisin Bran. If I get a chance to eat it. If she sees me heading from the kitchen to my worktable with cereal in hand, then there will be the patter of little bare feet following. I […]
Letter: Ditto the daisy
She had purchased a pack of miscellaneous seeds for a dollar. Suddenly, overnight seemingly, a Jack-and-the-Beanstalk sequel, three sunflowers – as they would turn out to be although mystifying they were initially – burst on the scene, one, even before it blossomed, reaching a whopping 76 inches, above the window. Though five-times shorter than the […]
Letter: A mayhem motivational manual
For those who support “the mass expropriation of property, mass shoplifting during a moment of upheaval or riot” you’ll be happy to know you have a fellow agitator in Vicky Osterweil who’s written a mayhem motivational manual of sorts which she titles “In Defense of Looting.” Natalie Escobar interviewed the czar of chaos upon the […]
Letter: Could you live here?
Perhaps you’ve seen the invitation. You’d have to go without cable, phone, internet, electricity, water, and indoor plumbing. But, in my opinion, my gosh, I’m there in a heartbeat. Because here’s where you’d be, and the 10-inch band of wallpaper bordered in strips of cedar that circumscribe the walls in my purposefully designed rustic office […]
Letter: A high-speed train through the heart
The Tacoma News Tribune Editorial Board, August 27, suggests Sound Transit representatives – who met with the Lakewood City Council this week – want to “restore public confidence” in Amtrak before 79-mph trains are run (again) “through the heart” of Lakewood. “Restore public confidence.” “If they get their act together, they just might improve public […]