Perhaps because we’re searching for something we’ve lost. Perhaps because we’re needing somebody we once had. Perhaps we don’t even know. We just go. To fill an irreplaceable heart-shaped hole. To climb alone, one foot in front of the other, resting along the way. And the tears? Innumerable. And the view? Incomparable. And the peace? […]
Letter: God Keeps a Journal, Part III
I first wrote six years ago, March 13, on the subject of God’s musings in heaven as he looks down on earth, pondering. His hand holds a quill, recently dipped in the ink well nearby, and the writing instrument is poised above the journal he keeps. Upon what is he focused? What will he enter […]
Letter: Is There a Better Title Than ‘Dad’?
The French have a proverb: “Bonne renommee vaut mieux que ceinture doree.” Loosely translated the meaning is, “A good name is better than gold.” Is there a better name, a better title, than ‘dad’? I’m going through the arduous process of sorting through long-forgotten boxes in the basement of treasures my wife collected over […]
Letter: Plan Be
I’ve been going through long forgotten boxes upon boxes of photos of our family taken over the half-century my wife and I were married. When I sent this of our son to him (he now has children of his own) with the overlay of some advertisement the product for which I now forget, he quipped […]
Letter: Just Watch, You’ll See
What a beautiful morning this is! The sun is shining, the water so blue, I’ve been in love, how ‘bout you? In just 12 days, March 19 – the first day of spring in fact – my wife of 50 years married will have been gone one year. In addition to the too-many-to-recount memories (although […]
Letter: Every Day
This month of March my wife of 50 years married will have been gone one year. Life goes on, until it doesn’t. Love will last forever, but then it ends. And it is through experiencing first hand the finality of it all that I am hoping to share with others what anymore matters. Like the […]
Letter: Next Time
Only six-thirty, the old mantle clock read, but he was already tired. The half-hour chiming would, within mere minutes, stir him from his reverie. The man – his age reflected in greying temples and permanent laugh lines etched and pronounced, his eyes crinkling at the corners when he smiled – gazed up at an angle […]
Letter: Go Gently
There’s an ancient proverb that flat out states, “The blessing of the Lord makes rich and he adds no sorrow to it” (Proverbs 10:22). At face value, that’s just flat out wrong. There is no such thing as blessing without brokenness. There isn’t. Life is not a fairy tale. We don’t live this life without […]
Letter: Where I Found My Dearest Treasure
When I was a pastor on Whidbey Island, and our children were very young, we had just finished reading “Blackbeard’s Ghost” to our ‘little pirates,’ so it seemed reasonable, living on an island after all, for them to set off in search of buried treasure. So down the beach they went, child’s yellow shovel in […]