The City of Lakewood wants to see its downtown developed into an inviting space with public parks and pedestrian connections. To achieve this vision, the City recently announced its intent to acquire a key piece of real estate. The property is connected to the former QFC site, located between Motor Avenue, Bridgeport Way and Gravelly […]
Commute Trip Reduction planning
Did you know if you have 100 or more employees at a single worksite that start work at least two days a week between 6 and 9 a.m. for 12 continuous months you are required to have a commute trip reduction plan in place? This applies to public and private businesses with worksites in counties […]
Notice of Vacancies: Lakewood’s Promise Advisory Board
The City of Lakewood is accepting applications to fill four (4) vacancies on the Lakewood’s Promise Advisory Board through May 21, 2027. Applications will be accepted through April 26, 2024. DESCRIPTION: The role and responsibilities of the Lakewood’s Promise Advisory Board is to assist the City Council in the following areas: COMPENSATION: None. QUALIFICATIONS: The members […]
Lakewood City Manager April 5 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) April 5 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
The Lakewood City Council April 8 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Study Session on April 8 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Attend the South Sound Sustainability Expo on April 13
Celebrate everyday sustainability at the 16th Annual South Sound Sustainability Expo on Saturday, April 13, from 10 AM to 3 PM. The event will take place at the University of Washington Tacoma campus (1900 Commerce St., in Tacoma), stretching along the Prairie Line Trail to Tollefson Plaza. The Expo event is free, open to the […]
Notice of public meeting for briefing on a Tax Increment Finance Area
Notice is hereby given that a public briefing will be held by the City of Lakewood on April 15, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. to review a proposed Tax Increment Finance area within the City of Lakewood. The meeting will be held at Lakewood City Hall, 6000 Main Street SW, Lakewood, WA. Attendees may also join virtually via […]
Lakewood City Manager March 29 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) March 29 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
The Lakewood City Council April 1 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on April 1 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.