The DuPont Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) will hold a Regular Meeting on July 22 (1 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Pioneer Aggregates South Parcel Project – Draft EIS Comment
DUPONT – Notice is provided of the availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed Pioneer Aggregates South Parcel Project. This would occur on and to the southeast of the existing Pioneer Aggregates. The site includes areas previously undisturbed by mining and mining deeper within a portion of the existing mine. The […]
DuPont July 12 Bits & Bytes
Read the City of DuPont’s July 12 Bits & Bytes newsletter by clicking here.
DuPont Boxcar Fundraiser – DuPont Historical Society
The DuPont Historical Society is currently raising money to restore the last remaining boxcar from the DuPont Plant that was located in town. It will be restored by Historic Railway Restoration Inc. to look as close to its original condition as possible. DHS has received numerous donations and grants from organizations including the City of […]
DuPont July 5 Bits & Bytes
Read the City of DuPont’s July 5 Bits & Bytes newsletter by clicking here.
The DuPont City Council July 9 Meeting Agenda
The DuPont City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on July 9 (6 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
2023 Water Quality Report
The Water Department is very pleased to present the 2023 Water Quality Report to our water system customers. Our constant goal is to provide you with a safe, dependable supply of drinking water. As part of our continued commitment to ensuring the quality of DuPont’s water, we want to keep you informed about the drinking […]
DuPont June 28 Bits & Bytes
Read the City of DuPont’s June 28 Bits & Bytes newsletter by clicking here.
DuPont June 21 Bits & Bytes
Read the City of DuPont’s June 21 Bits & Bytes newsletter by clicking here.