Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle This afternoon my friend, Mike, and I took a road trip down to Historic Freighthouse Square located at 430 East 25th St, near the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington. The Freighthouse Square is over 100 years old. It was well known for being the furthest west freight terminus for the […]
Westside Story – Recycle at Recycle
Story & Photo – Joseph BoyleAt my age, any time I get to see something I have never seen before, I get excited. So there I was heading into the LRI Recycle Dump located at 10308 Sales Road South, Tacoma, Washington, 98499 with 1600 pounds of ice-storm branches and brush. What could be more boring […]
Westside Story – South Tacoma Way Car Show
Story & Photos by Joseph Boyle It’s coming! Saturday, August 20, 2011 from 10 am – 4 pm, the 15th Annual South Tacoma Way Car Show. Find the fun on South Tacoma Way between 50th St South and 56th St South. The South Tacoma Business District Association and corporate sponsor, Heritage Bank, in addition to […]
Solemnity exemplified in Flag Retirement Ceremony
Such a large part of our local community is comprised of military families and retirees. However, even for those who may have never served in the armed forces, there is a reverence for the American flag. There is an established protocol for the proper destruction, i.e. ‘retirement’ of tattered old flags. They should never be […]
Classic Car Show and BBQ raises funds for UP Senior Center
By Jaynie Jones It’s not too late to register your car for the Bridgeport Place Classic Car Show and BBQ, if you act today. It is an annual event on Saturday during Father’s Day weekend, June 18, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Senior residents of Bridgeport Place vote for their favorite cars. The classic cars […]
UP Senior Center fundraising double-hitter
By Jaynie Jones The University Place Senior Center was transformed into a lively dining hall festooned with fresh flowers and cookie baskets atop red-and-white table linens. The center hosted a fundraising double-hitter on a recent, rainy Tuesday afternoon with a Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction raising more than $1,000.
Cakes into cash
The recent Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure Bake Sale at Bridgeport Place raised $761.75 in five hours. Leslie Jo Thompson is an officially registered walker and fundraiser this year. She did the lion’s share of the baking for the Bake Sale, but other team members at Bridgeport Place also contributed baked goods – everything […]
3-Day for the Cure: Bake Sale, April 21
Pop in and make a purchase at the Bake Sale on April 21, from 10-3, at Bridgeport Place, 5250 Bridgeport Way West. It’s a fundraiser for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure. There will be all sorts of goodies to choose from. Every dime and dollar that comes in from the Bake Sale […]
Soup-tacular for Seniors
The third Saturday of every month is a free lunch for seniors. It’s called the “Senior Soup-tacular”, and it’s coming up this weekend on Saturday, April 16. It’s a casual, no-frills, drop-in, social gathering for seniors with no strings attached. A different homemade soup is featured each month, plus fresh-from-the-oven breadsticks, desserts, and beverages. RSVP […]