If you like ice cream, the Steilacoom Historical Museum Association (SHMA) has a special July 4th offer for you! The association will hold an ice cream social on Independence Day, starting at 11 am and continuing until 3:30 pm. The ice cream social will be held at the historic Bair Drug Store in the heart […]
Concert at Steilacoom’s Pioneer Park
Changes coming to Steilacoom PO
Changes are coming to the Steilacoom Post Office but according to Tacoma Postmaster Robert Galtrude town residents shouldn’t notice the differences. Before the end of summer, Galtrude plans to move the four Steilacoom carrier routes out of the Steilacoom office and into the Lakewood office. He indicated the Steilacoom retail operation including sale of postal […]
Fun in the sun
Hot summer-type weather has brought large crowds out to the mouth of Chambers Creek in Steilacoom for a variety of water fun. The Chambers Creek Park includes a trail along the creek and groups of young people have developed jumps and other facilities to enhance water activities. Nearby Sunnyside Beach, also in Steilacoom, has also […]
Scholarship recipients at Lakewood Rotary
SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS AND PARENTS – Lakewood Rotary Club recognized 17 students from Clover Park, Lakes and Steilacoom high Schools Friday during their regular meeting. Each received a scholarship from the club. Although not all the students and parents were able to attend the Friday noon meeting at Tacoma Country & Golf Club, those who were […]
Silent Movie Night in Steilacoom
Silent Movie Night at Steilacoom Historical Museum drew a standing room only crowd of about 50 people Friday night. Two cartoons plus a movie made by Harry Houdini was the attraction for the 10-cent admission and the popcorn and soft drinks was free. The silent movie night is held once a year at the museum.
Self-fulfilling prophecies
If you keep telling people things long enough, they start believing it and if what they hear is bad, things start going downhill. For a long time before the current recession became apparent, the national news media, especially the cable news programs, kept talking about recession; is one coming, is it already here, how bad […]
Change in silent movie lineup
A change in silent films to be shown at the Silent Movie Night at the Steilacoom Historical Museum has been announced. Now slated for the screening is the slapstick antics of Felix the Cat plus the thrilling drama Ice Bound, the story of a 400-year-old man who’s been sealed in an ice block. This fourth […]
Steilacoom seeking Farmers Market vendors, committee volunteers
A Steilacoom Farmer’s Market is in the works with the first event slated for Wednesday, June 24, coinciding with the Town’s outdoor concert series. Additional markets will take place on succeeding Wednesdays through August 19. The market will open each Wednesday at 3 pm and continue through 7 pm on the multi-purpose court in downtown […]