Bradley A. Berger, Managing Partner and Owner of Cornerstone Financial Strategies was the facilitator/presenter for the University Place/Fircrest Division meeting of the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce, January 28. Randy Walden, owner of Heartwarming Care is the new division president and has set the tone and course for what will be a six-part series based […]
Risk Barometer for business owners
Kaleidoscope of color at Mad Hatter’s Tea Party
The perfect time for an afternoon tea? Any afternoon. The perfect time for a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party? 2:13 p.m., Saturday, January 15. Despite a rainy Northwest winter weekend, spirits were not dampened by the deluge. Dressed in their ‘Wonderland best’ ladies wearing a kaleidoscope of colorful hats and costumes filled the Parkside Lounge […]
Seniors volunteer time for Chamber mailings
By Jaynie Jones The Tacoma – Pierce County Chamber of Commerce holds the University Place – Fircrest Division meetings each month at the University Place Presbyterian Church. The Chamber helps hold down its membership costs by utilizing volunteers to process the monthly mailing of the Chamber’s newsletter. Half a dozen senior citizens give of their […]
Lions feed those in need
By Jaynie Jones Dotty Vowell Jackl of the University Place Lions Club invited Bridgeport Place to participate in a community effort to gather groceries for holiday food baskets. Needy families in University Place were selected to receive the gifts.
Dazzling Chamber Wake UP!
By Jaynie Jones Jeff Evans (above) of Amazement Productions performed at the University Place / Fircrest Division of the Tacoma Pierce County Chamber Wake UP! on Friday morning, putting on a show that dazzled, amazed, and amused the delighted audience. It was stunning that anyone could be so funny and engaging at 7:30 a.m. while […]
Wetmore elected president in Steilacoom
Mary Lou Wetmore was elected president of the Steilacoom Historical Museum Association as a highlight of the organization’s 2010 annual dinner meeting at the Steilacoom Community Center. Named recipients of the Lee Merrill Award for volunteerism were Lana and Tony Forsyth, longtime volunteers who do everything from cleaning the bathrooms in the museum to working […]
Wind storm aftermath
Monday night’s strong winds caused many trees to come down throughout DuPont, Steilacoom, Lakewood and University Place. Did your property or trees sustain storm damage? Email us a photo so we can share it with others.
Steilacoom Candidate forum packs the hall
A near capacity crowd of 140 filled Steilacoom Town Hall (above) Thursday, Oct. 28, to hear candidates for Congress and the state legislature discuss issues. Hosted by the Steilacoom Chamber of Commerce, all six candidates took part. In a show of hands, more than 50 percent of the attendees indicated they had not yet completed […]