On this date my journal entry recorded yet another threatening voicemail. He would see me in court. As it turned out I would be there. He would not. Case was dismissed. Ironically, on this twentieth day of March, the date was set to go toe-to-toe in yet another court battle in which, in terms of paperwork, our defense […]
Letter: Clover Park School District Board unanimously opposed to Sex Ed
In a letter dated March 18, directed to Gov. Jay Inslee, the individual members of the CPSD Board signed their names in objection to ESSB 5395 asking Gov. Inslee in turn not to sign this bill. Calling the Comprehensive Sex Education bill a maze of “unfunded and volatile curriculum” the school Board of Directors urged […]
Letter: The Ninth Floor
As you prepare to exit the elevator on the Ninth floor of the County-City Building, a pleasant automated voice announces that you have arrived at the office of the County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. Sure enough, straight down the short hallway to the left is the appropriately labeled door emblazoned with the words “Core Values.” There’s […]
Letter: Clover Park School District?
Will the Clover Park School District Board (CPSD) take a similar position as the Mead School District in Washington per their letter to Governor Inslee requesting he veto the controversial Sex Ed bill? From The Ruth Institute: “Some of the approved curriculum is so graphic legislators couldn’t quote it in proceedings without getting ‘gaveled’ or silenced. […]
Letter: My First Pet
Asking for advice. For a friend. He said his pet has outgrown, and escaped from, the cute little carry-along cottage-like critter-cage. Now, smashing motorcycles (he didn’t mean to); snarling traffic; cars and trucks, a bulldozer and a 4×4 all come to play. Even a fire truck but where are the firemen? They were here just a minute […]
Vet Clinic, Jan ’20
Editor’s Note: Veterans, if you are looking for some answers, the following list might just help out. Disabled Veterans eligible for free National Park Service Lifetime Access Pass Emerging PTSD therapy: Faster results, less talking Helping veterans age well after military service You can invest in companies that invest in vets? Foundation announces $1 million […]
It’s Not Too Late To Vaccinate
PLEASE vaccinate your kids. Untreated children can suffer brain infection or pneumonia or put newborns at risk. There are measles cases south and north of us. Ten states have now reported measles outbreaks since the *beginning* of the year. A refusal to vaccinate is hoping for ‘herd immunity’; not much use when all are refusing…
Letter: Leaving no tern un-stoned
This is not an article about marijuana. The title just got me thinking about someone who leaves no stone unturned in his or her relentless effort to right a wrong. The joke – and play on words – concerns ‘scientists’ who, wanting to study the effects of cannabis on birds – terns specifically – got […]
2018; The Year In… A Few
JBLM turns 100. It has survived two world wars and a police action or two and a few BRAC panels. I’ve spent many a night in those rickety North Fort barracks. They were built for the second war to end all wars which were intended to be destroyed antebellum; says the Pentagon… ‘nuh-uh’. Kids gave […]