Asking for advice. For a friend.
He said his pet has outgrown, and escaped from, the cute little carry-along cottage-like critter-cage.
Now, smashing motorcycles (he didn’t mean to); snarling traffic; cars and trucks, a bulldozer and a 4×4 all come to play.
Even a fire truck but where are the firemen? They were here just a minute ago. Guys climbing a ladder. But why? And where are they now?

Where is everybody?
He asks, my friend does, how he was supposed to know his first pet so loved munching – and would grow so big eating – asparagus?
Today, my grandson and I – he’s 13, I’m much older, sometimes – had breakfast together at his school as we do each week, called Waffle Wednesday.
Chomping on bites of syrup-soaked waffles, it got me to thinking about shopping over the Christmas break at Hobby Lobby.
“Do you know,” I said to my grandson. “I discovered a whole shelf just of dinosaurs.
“A whole shelf! Not just one but many, many dinosaurs!”
And then I shared with him what happened.
Big ones. Little ones. Tex and all his friends.
The problem was they were all, these dinosaurs were, standing in neat little rows.
Big ones with big ones.
Little ones with little ones.
Those that could fly separated from those who could not.
And that is a problem.
Which I corrected.
By the time I left, and I’m sure it was caught on surveillance, all the dinosaurs were at war.
Big ones eating little ones.
Little ones chewing on the tails of big ones.
One, a big dinosaur, even had this huge rubber spider sticking out of its mouth!
“Can you imagine how popular the sales of dinosaurs would be?” I asked my grandson.
Gone. All gone by now from the shelf.
Some little kid, maybe a grandpa, would clearly see the possibilities.
Chances are though some humorless retail person has put them all back in their neat little rows.
Next time I’m at Hobby Lobby I’m going to bring over the helicopters from the next aisle.
Anyway, my nearly straight-A grandson said, “Good for you grandpa. Just what I would do.”
So, there you have it.
My influence on Waffle Wednesday.
David, I always enjoy your letters. You are making memories that your grandson will cherish all his life.
Thanks Frances for saying so. Yes, good times.