If you have a TV in your house and you subscribe to Comcast on Demand, Sabrina Register’s program called, Neighborhoods, features our City of Lakewood. Sabrina’s program profiles the history, people and activities of Puget Sound communities.
Westside Story – If Kids Think They Can, They Can
My life started out with no preschool and no kindergarten. Such programs were not made available to me right after World War II.
Letter: Fluffernutters and Shopping Carts
What does a peanut butter and Marshmallow Fluff sandwich – the Fluffernutter – inMassachusetts, have in common with shopping carts in Lakewood?
Both – sandwiches and shopping carts – are apparently serious legislative directives by their respective governments for further study likely leading to official enactments.
Westside Story – Starbucks Abuse
In some ways my relationship with Starbucks reminds me of the typical domestic violence relationships I use to work with on police calls. After suffering abuse, a domestic violence victim often returns to the relationship only to suffer more abuse.
Letter: Human Speed Bumps
If walking into a lamppost is labeled an insurable injury, what do you call a misappropriation of funds?
Feeling run down?
Letter: Once Upon a Dime
Speeding is bad, except when it’s not.
And not a dime more than $15,000 will be spent addressing it in Tillicum.
If that.
Letter: You Lie Like a Dog
National Honesty Day, April 30, is a day to tell the truth about dogs.
And cats, their counterparts from hell.
If there’s one thing that dogs do not do its lie. Lie around but not lie.
Letter: Heart Burn
They say it’s what you eat.
It’s not.
It’s what eats you.
Westside Story – Starbucks 3rd Place is Dying
Howard Schultz, had a dream. He took an idea found in Europe, the sidewalk coffee shop, and imported it to America and then spread his wonderful idea around the world eventually returning full circle establishing Starbucks stores in Europe where his idea was born.