Washington’s legislators are feeling benevolent. Or maybe embarrassed. Fourteen years ago, was the last time lawmakers looked into the state’s problem gambling policies. Since then “the gambling industry has nearly doubled to more than a three-billion-dollar industry.” ‘Industry’, used twice in ten words or less by the lawmakers, is often meant to describe “economic […]
Westside Story – Good Bye Cruel World
Note To Reader: It is estimated it will take the average reader 2 minutes and 55 seconds to read this column if you do not dawdle too long over the photos. If you are an Evelyn Woods Reading Dynamics graduate your elapsed reading time should run about 1 minute 10 seconds. Start reading now: Westside […]
Letter: When government gets it right
Almost ended the article right there for lack of evidence. From slow-closing toilet seats to marijuana-made-mobile, people are – and government, comprised of people, is – enamored over the extravagant, captivated with the costly, beguiled by bureaucracy. We are ever in search of a better mousetrap. “According to the United States Patent Office, over 4,000 […]
Letter: When the feathers fly
“Chickens cross road, some escape after semi crashes snarling I-5 near Olympia” read The Seattle Times headline this morning. Wonder if any were roosters who crossed the road, escaping to crow another day. To warn, which is one purpose of the rooster’s call for alarm. There was a guy in history who each morning forever […]
Across the Fence: Cape Flattery
Submitted by Susanne Bacon. Have you ever been to the most Northwestern place in the US? I’m not talking as in Alaska, but here in Western Washington. It’s quite a trip to Cape Flattery, in the end takes a walk all in all a bit over one and a half mile’s distance, and culminates in […]
Westside Story – Alley Lunch
As hard as it is to believe, I have never dined at Seattle’s Canlis Restaurant, a top caliber dining spot where the elite gathers to dine and enjoy being entertained. A world famous American pianist, composer, and arranger, Walt Wagner, who is once more based in Seattle, Washington often plays at Canlis. No matter. I […]
It’s Not Too Late To Vaccinate
PLEASE vaccinate your kids. Untreated children can suffer brain infection or pneumonia or put newborns at risk. There are measles cases south and north of us. Ten states have now reported measles outbreaks since the *beginning* of the year. A refusal to vaccinate is hoping for ‘herd immunity’; not much use when all are refusing…
American Lake’s Milfoil topic of TWNA meeting
The February 7 (6:30 pm) meeting of the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association will discuss, among other topics, American Lake’s Milfoil matter. Background on the Milfoil matter includes a lake survey and a petition for American Lake waterfront property owners to sign for presentation to the Lakewood City Council to enable a vote for the establishment […]
Westside Story – Lakewood Pioneer Joe Boyle Earns Bronze Statue
Back in 1969 when Dr. Aaron’s wife, Emily Aaron, a real estate broker with Properties Unlimited, suggested she knew of a clinker brick duplex for sale in Lakewood, Joe replied, “Lakewhere?” Joe and his wife found their way from their hometown of Puyallup, Washington, to the unknown place called Lakewood without the benefit of GPS […]