Depending on your age snow can be fun or frustrating. Age 2-17 + snow + shovel = fun Age 18 & up + snow + shovel = frustration EXAMPLE #A: Kids 2 – 17, parents, and grandparents dig in the snow with their shovels to create an igloo snow tunnel. They had fun. Can you […]
Letter: Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris on marijuana – ‘Joy to the World’
Fill in the missing word: Hit the nail on the (blank). Use your (blank). Go to the (blank) of the line. California senator and 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris wants to be (blank) of this country. Her recent statement about marijuana, and her admission she smoked pot in college, suggests her head line – the […]
Westside Story – When Is A Sundial Not A Sundial?
During our recent anomalistic** winter weather storm a new question came to my mind. When is a sundial no longer a sundial? This is the kind of problem a guy can wrestle with when he is unemployed with no visible means of support. Answer: A sundial is no longer a sundial when… the sun sets […]
Westside Story – Uncle Melvin's Bicycle
Every time it snows I am compelled to take a photo and write about Uncle Melvin’s bicycle. Uncle Melvin, who is actually my wife’s uncle, was born in Tacoma in 1925. In those days kids were born right in the family home. Uncle Melvin’s birth home was in the Norwegian section of what was known […]
Westside Story – "Braggin" Rights
In the vast majority of my 500 or so articles, the ideas for each and every story came to me on my own. I am blessed with a creative and active mind that has become more creative and observational as I finished 75 years of life experience. My mind is always observing, and working on […]
Film Review: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
This may sound especially sacrilegious coming from me, a lifelong Spider-Man fan, but hear me out. Spider-Man has never been perfect, especially in terms of cinematic portrayals. I have a soft spot for the Sam Raimi trilogy, and I thought his recent addition into the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man: […]
Letter: The trains – and their representatives – are coming
The board of the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA) has received a request from the design-build contractor for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to update this community concerning I-5 construction as it relates to the two interchanges for Tillicum. There are two parts to this presentation scheduled for May 2, 6:30 P.M. at […]
Across the Fence: A Stuttgart Hunting Lodge
Very recently, on Facebook, I came across photos of a German friend of mine, who had walked one of my favorite hikes in my former hometown of Stuttgart, Germany. During weekends it’s usually overcrowded. But choose a weekday morning, especially when it’s cold, and you will find it to be a magic place to refresh […]
Letter: Democrats ‘washing their hands’ of sports wagering
Eight Washington state legislators, only one of whom is Republican, are sponsoring House Bill 1975 that would authorize tribes to conduct sports wagering “on a very limited basis.” ‘Very limited.’ For now. Under the category of “other sports”, as opposed to say the Seahawks, the Huskies, or even the Cougars, fantasy sports – where participants […]