No Tillicum community meeting on Thursday, Oct. 3. Here, however, are the library happenings for the month of October. Saturdays 10/5; 10/12; 10/19 @ 12:00 PM – Bi-lingual Family StorytimeBilingual Story Times are offered in Spanish and English. Storytime include art activities, rhymes, singing and finger plays. For families with young children. Tuesdays 2:00-4:00 – […]
Across the Fence: A True Cowboy Dish
Has it ever occurred to you that food you are used to might look totally different when you order it in Europe? Or you might not even get it? Just mentioning the concept of “biscuit and gravy”, which in England would probably cause your restaurant staff a frown if not an outright “blech”. Because a […]
Tea With Dorothy on Sept. 27 at Lakewood’s Steeped in Comfort
The great artist Toulouse-Lautrec spent much time and found inspiration in the Moulin Rouge. Edward Degas had Paris’ Café de la Nouvelle Athènes, in Place Pigalle. In Lakewood, there’s Steeped in Comfort. This cozy neighborhood tea house offers 38 different kinds of tea (Chunky Monkey is a big favorite). Everything on the menu is fresh […]
Across the Fence: Just that Color!
Do you have a place that you have been dreaming of to stand there just once in your life-time? A bucket list of locations? Well, the other day it just happened to me, and I was blown! Actually, I’m still living this moment when I got there, the time I spent there – and it […]
Letter: It's not about what, it's about who
She’s been asked to speak to a woman’s group. About grief. And what we’ve learned. As we’ve talked about her coming presentation and she shared her heart, it seems to me this will be my wife’s title: “It’s not about what, it’s about who.” Who came in the crisis; who listened; who cried, who cared. […]
Susanne Bacon Reads at Lakewood Pierce County Library
Would you like to travel to Germany with me? Not physically, of course, but to mind-travel while listening to a couple of chapters from my brand-new book “Home from Home”? Some of you might know that the chapters were originally published as a weekly column in The Suburban Times in Lakewood. And you might already […]
Westside Story – Boyle Awarded Writer’s Prize
Based on the accumulated impact of the vast number of eclectic Westside Story articles published in The Suburban Times, since November of 2010, it was bound to happen. I was just awarded the No-Bell prize, not to be confused with the Nobel Prize. The Nobel Prize is awarded to deserving individuals by Swedish and Norwegian […]
Letter: “I’m sorry I was naughty grandpa”
I was sitting there, cold, huddled in a blanket, not feeling very well, a cup of coffee cradled occasionally in my hands to ensure my fingers would stay somewhat nimble on the keys of the computer, looking forward to my bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup. But my heart was warm given the sweet, contrite voice […]
Across the Fence: A FABulous Festival
Do you make the best of what your hometown has to offer? Are you even aware what’s on offer? While you are reading this, one of Lakewood’s most creative festivals is opening its doors again – a festival featuring fantastic fine arts, imaginative authors and their books, and movies that will shape your view of […]