National Geographic’s (NG) April 9, 2020 “Your Weekly Escape” edition is subtitled “Extraordinary people, discoveries, and places in a time of turmoil.
“Take a deep breath,” NG recommends.
“There are still amazing tales of purpose and dedication, exploration that leads to discovery and understanding, and a natural world that often astounds us.”

Featured photographer Jim Brandenburg claims we needn’t go far to capture what NG called “the stirring, regenerating metamorphosis of nature from winter to spring.”
Said Brandenburg, “Sometimes the most revealing photographs are of the places we know best.”

Like just down the road.
Christina Klas, daughter of the author of this article, just yesterday sauntered down the street near her home (and across the yards – for which she apologized) to capture on film this metamorphosis which she entitled “Steilacoom floral department really showing off today.”

Lakewood City Councilmember John Simpson marveled through the lens of his camera just days ago at a geranium having survived the winter “an image of hope,” Simpson called it, one with a portend “that we as a community will survive these dark times, emerge into the light and blossom.”
There’s beauty underfoot wherever we go, closer than we think, in the rest of these pictures by the author of this photo-essay, from the early-morning rain-sprinkled leaf; to the dandelion soon – with the next puff of a breeze or that supplied by a child – to share with the world; to the daisies surrounding their counterpart – proof that there is indeed one in every family.

The last of the published books by children’s author and illustrator Dr. Seuss is one of the most popular gifts presented to high school and college graduates – even this year, the coronavirus notwithstanding – some 300,000 copies across the United States and Canada.
It’s entitled “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”
Like just down the road.