Lakewold Gardens is looking for someone to fill a part-time Customer Service Assistant position, click here to download the full job description including required qualifications. Sound like the perfect job for you? E-mail us a resume and cover-letter to:
Western Pond Turtles return to Lakewood
A news story from Office of Pierce County Councilmember Jani Hitchen. Last Friday, I participated in an event organized by the Woodland Park Zoo and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife as they released over 30 young Western Pond Turtles into the pond and wetland found at the South Puget Sound Wildlife Area. If you […]
Vet Clinic, Aug ’21
What are your feelings as the Taliban reclaim Afghanistan after 20 years of US involvement? Mobile Apps – PTSD: National Center for PTSD VA Secretary appoints new Veterans Law Judges to adjudicate more appeals for Veterans VA announces new options to help Veterans avoid foreclosure Patriot Boot Camp Partners with Berkeley College to help the […]
Movie Night at Lakewood History Museum Has Special Treat for Attendees
A news story from Lakewood Historical Society. Lakewood History Museum’s first movie night of 2021 kicks off this coming August 24 at 6:30 pm. The movie is the critically acclaimed “Stan & Ollie”, the untold history of America’s greatest comedy team. The film will be shown free to the public. Light refreshments and popcorn will […]
Petition to save Lakewood’s Garry Oaks
Submitted by Lakewood Garry Oak Conservancy. Our Garry Oak trees in Lakewood are in peril from rampant development, warehouse concrete, and deficient City planning. We are appealing to the City Council to adjust its code for these ancient and endangered trees. If so moved, please sign the petition. It is also in Korean to help […]
Make Peace a Priority
Submitted by Andrew Kruse. Recently, I wrote a petition about the need for violence prevention to be brought to the attention of the citizens and City Council in Lakewood. The concern that prompted me was brought on by the recent shootings at American Lake and Fort Steilacoom Park last month. While I have been working […]
Rose Marie Lewis Recognized for 30 Years Service to CP Kiwanis
A news story from Phil Raschke. At a recent luncheon, Rose Marie Lewis of Lakewood was honored for her 30 years of dedicated service to the Clover Park Kiwanis Club. During her 30 years Rose Marie served as Club President, volunteered at the Kiwanis concession stand at Cheney Stadium, helped maintain the Club’s community garden […]
Letter: My new trusted source for research?
Submitted by Paul Nimmo. Never have had much time for conspiracy theories. Aliens amongst us, Elvis still alive and how can you really explain New Coke? I was looking for some background on an article I wanted to write. I could not remember the amount of time, or actually lack of amount of time, Patti […]
Kid Life; They Took Her Away Again
Kid Life, They took her away again… “Did you wipe your feet?” she asked as soon as I entered the living room. I’d come in the back door. Such was my routine when comin’ home from school. After traipsin’ through the kitchen, passed the washer and dryer, the kitchen table and then into the living […]