City of Lakewood Project No.: 301.0020 Sealed bids will be accepted at Lakewood City Hall, 6000 Main Street SW, Lakewood, WA 98499-5027 until 2:00 p.m., and not later, on Tuesday, November 19th, 2024. Bid results will be read aloud in the American Lake Conference room and tabulated immediately following. Bidders Requests for Information (RFI) shall […]
Lakewood Rotary’s Little Free Pantry Success
A few years ago, the Lakewood Rotary Club started a new program called Little Free Pantry (LFP). Started by Bob Zawilski, Sally Porter Smith and Rose Stevens, the Club, thanks to John Lowney and Mark Blanchard, was able to install 7 pantries which are continuously stocked with food for the people that are food insecure. […]
In the Book Nook with … Kathrine Willson
Author Kathrine Willson from Hillsboro, Ohio, is currently a full-time author. She began writing in high school as an outlet. Her first book was published 3 years ago. As she is fairly new to the writing community, she is still learning about author groups and similar; she hasn’t joined any yet. When Kathrine isn’t writing, […]
Letter: After the Storm
“There is peculiar terror in a tempest at sea, when…the raging sea echoes to the angry sky,” reads an excerpt from “The Treasury of David” concerning Psalm 29. “There is no sight more alarming than the flash of lightning around the mast of the ship, and no sound more calculated to inspire reverent awe than […]
Letter: Lakewood: Where citizens pout, and often sit things out
This is a letter to me. When I use strong language in this letter, it’s subconsciously addressed to me. However, it would be very weird to write a letter to myself in The Suburban Times. So I’m going to address this letter to all my fellow citizens of Lakewood. It’s up to any individual if […]
Presbyterian Women Holiday Bazaar, Nov. 2
Submitted by Little Church on the Prairie Presbyterian Women. Saturday, November 2 – Presbyterian Women Holiday Bazaar9:00 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Little Church on the Prairie – Prairie Hall6310 Motor Avenue SW, Lakewood, WA 98499 Handmade quilts, arts/crafts, lovingly baked goodies and our Grannie’s Attic featuring gently used merchandise. Enjoy pie, coffee or tea […]
Letter: Friends of the Lakewood Library Say Thank You
Submitted by Robert Estrada. The Friends of the Lakewood Library recently held their semi-annual book sale at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Lakewood, WA. It was a success and the Friend’s Board of Directors thanks its members and the community for their support. Hundreds of books found new homes in the homes and hearts of the […]
Letter: Extended Road Construction on Hipkins Rd Raises Concerns for Lakewood Business
Submitted by Sam Ahn. I own the Lucky Food Store on Hipkins Rd, and for the past 14 months, my life has been a constant question: When will this end? When the city told us the construction would start on September 2023 and wrap up by early 2024 (as even see on the road improvements […]
Letter: The Daisies Knew the Answer
He’d asked her before. In fact, over and over again. ‘Would she marry him?’ Her answer was always the same. But that didn’t dissuade him at all. He would ask again. He was, after all, nothing if not persistent. Unlike the weather that afternoon that had not yet decided what it wanted to do – […]