A Clover Park School District story. Our Promising Futures Friday featured student this week is Thomas Middle School sixth grader Izabel Russell. Izabel has enjoyed the transition from fifth grade to middle school and likes having a variety of different teachers throughout the day. So far this year, her favorite subject has been math because […]
Council Corner: Oct. 24, 2022 Study Session
City of Lakewood announcement. The Lakewood City Council study session kicked off with a review of the third quarter police data with Lakewood Police Chief Mike Zaro. Zaro highlighted progress made in areas like reducing property crimes and motor vehicle thefts. These two areas saw declines over previous quarterly reporting. Specifically: Motor vehicle thefts are […]
Lakewood City Manager October 28 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) October 28 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
JBLM-North Access Road Improvement Project Update
City of Lakewood announcement. Utility construction for this stage is complete. All storm drainage, water main, irrigation main, and electrical underground work is done. The roundabout at Washington Boulevard and Edgewood Avenue is taking shape. In addition to pouring sidewalk along Washington Boulevard from Edgewood Avenue to Vernon Avenue, the contractor poured the mountable curb […]
Across the Fence: Why Marry At All?!
This weekend sees my husband and me at a big family wedding. We won’t be beholden to deliver speeches. But if I had the honor to speak at any young people’s wedding, this would be it: “Today is your big day. One that hopefully stays a single one in your lifetime. Certainly, one that will […]
Letter: This season’s first harmful cyanobacteria bloom is now occurring in Waughop Lake
Submitted by Don Russell, Lakewood. As noted in the above photograph the $420,000 City of Lakewood requested and Ecology approved March and July 2020 80 mg Al/L alum treated Waughop Lake is now experiencing its second fall season harmful cyanobacteria bloom (HAB). The species is Anabaena which is known to produce potent liver and nerve toxins. These […]
Connected CARE Program
West Pierce Fire & Rescue announcement. This year, West Pierce Fire & Rescue (WPFR) implemented a Connected Community Access, Referral and Education (CARE) program which works to identify and assist those in need of services, but not the 9-1-1 system. The goal of this program is to address commonly identified barriers to appropriate healthcare access, […]
Letter: A Library for Lakewood
Submitted by Bob Warfield. To be, or not to be, that is the question,Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to sufferSlings and arrows thus aligned. To wetted page did Tenzler closeBy what choice may we now disposeOr from that rooted tree renew A thousand rings that yearly grewAnd yet in closing duly vexedWe hastened mad, then de-annexed. […]
Charles ‘Chuck’ Croasdill: Beloved and caring teacher and father taught at Lakes, Clover Park, and Fort Steilacoom
Submitted by Tim Marsh, Lakes High Class of 1966. It’s been more than 55 years since Nora McNerthney John was a Lakes High School student. She has never forgotten her favorite teacher at the school: Charles Croasdill. He taught her journalism classes and was adviser of the ‘Lakes Ledger’ student newspaper of which she was […]