Lakewood Community Foundation Fund announcement. Grant applications are now being accepted from the Lakewood Community Foundation Fund for 2024. Endowed money available for grants this year will be between $35,000 and $40,000. The deadline for receipt of the applications is April 5, 2024. Email to or mail to the LCFF PO Box 39578, Lakewood, […]
Letter: Paranoia And A Panegyric
A parable regarding what, better yet who, we value, as in priceless. For over 30 years he had coveted one of the most priceless pennies in the world, and he eventually spent millions to purchase it. As he accepted the penny, the crowd applauded; the TV cameras rolled; questions were asked. What will you do […]
Update: Interim Lakewood Pierce County Library
Progress is being made to build the interim Lakewood Pierce County Library. To date, land use and site development requirements have been approved. In addition, the Library System submitted and is working toward approval for the right of way, sewer and building permit. A construction schedule is projected to be ready to review at the February Board of […]
Letter: Just One More Chapter?
There’s a tv above the gas fireplace but she’d rather have her mom read a story. There’s a comfortable chair that rocks nearby but she’d rather they be on the floor. There’s a lap of her mother’s that one would think could best provide the intimate setting by which to hear of the silly antics […]
The Lakewood City Council Jan. 16 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on Jan. 16 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Letter: Where and When?
This morning I typed in my search box of articles I had written “perfect storm” thinking I would find something else. But this was the picture that appeared. Two years ago, this coming April 3, Bill’s Boathouse, our place of business, burned to the ground. Our family wrote: ‘We are absolutely heartbroken. We had grand […]
CPSD #SuperSchoolShoutOut – Beachwood Elementary School
Each week, Clover Park School District (CPSD) will highlight a school or profession in our district on our social media pages with a #SuperSchoolShoutout where we celebrate the students and staff that make our district beam with pride. Earlier this month, we celebrated Beachwood Elementary School! Beachwood is one of six CPSD schools located on […]
Lakewood City Manager January 12 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) January 12 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Let’s Talk! – Walk the Red Carpet
Red carpets are always related to a special event. After the 19th century’s Industrial Revolution, red carpets were apparently associated with power and wealth. Train companies started using them for their clients to board trains. Hotels spread them at their entrances. One of my first children’s books was by German author James Krüss; it told […]