The Lakewood City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on March 4 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Lakewood City Manager March 1 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) March 1 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Let’s Talk! – Marshmallows Melting in Hot Cocoa
What a typical American concept, I thought as I read this prompt from Tyrean Martinson’s book. Marshmallows and hot cocoa. Maybe, these days, it’s something common for kids in Germany as well. In my childhood I knew marshmallows and I knew hot cocoa – but they never came together. Hot cocoa is an item of […]
Letter: Where I Found My Dearest Treasure
When I was a pastor on Whidbey Island, and our children were very young, we had just finished reading “Blackbeard’s Ghost” to our ‘little pirates,’ so it seemed reasonable, living on an island after all, for them to set off in search of buried treasure. So down the beach they went, child’s yellow shovel in […]
Celebrating our ‘Golden’ birthday
Twenty-eight years ago on Feb. 28, 1996, the City of Lakewood officially became a city. Voters approved the incorporation effort in 1995 after previous failed attempts. At the time of its formation Lakewood was the seventh-largest city in the state and the second-largest city in Pierce County behind Tacoma. Today it is still the second […]
CPSD #SuperSchoolShoutOut – Carter Lake Elementary School
Each week, Clover Park School District (CPSD) will highlight a school or profession in our district on our social media pages with a #SuperSchoolShoutout where we celebrate the students and staff that make our district beam with pride. Last week, we celebrated Carter Lake Elementary School! Carter Lake is one of six CPSD schools located […]
CPSD #SuperSchoolShoutOut – CTE Month
Each week, Clover Park School District (CPSD) will highlight a school or profession in our district on our social media pages with a #SuperSchoolShoutout where we celebrate the students and staff that make our district beam with pride. In February, we celebrated Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month by giving a shoutout to Thomas Middle School […]
Letter: Saying Goodbye
It is never easy – much more like gut-wrenching misery – to say goodbye to someone you love. The promise of love is like the spring sun that warms the earth where late-fall bulbs were planted. Responding from beneath the soil little green sprouts suddenly appear and excitement builds for the intricate beauty of what […]
Winter Driving Tips
Winter is still lingering, so it’s essential to be prepared to drive in the ice and snow. West Pierce Fire & Rescue wants to remind you to pay attention to winter storm advisories and watches. It is best to follow the suggested guidance and stay off icy roads when at all possible. If you find […]