August 4, 2020, is our Washington State political primary. Every vote counts, especially yours. Choosing the leader of our Pierce County Sheriff’s Department is an important vote to get right because the sheriff’s department can impact on each of us as Pierce County citizens in a number of ways. We have four candidates to choose […]
Westside Story – Accidental Article
August 1, 2020, I sent what I consider a heartfelt email to Lakewood’s Deputy Mayor Jason Whalen with a copy to my wife. My wife responded with, “Good note.” A bit later in the morning, the idea for incorporating my note in a Westside Story came to me. Sharing my thinking and experience related to […]
Across the Fence: German Girl in America
Submitted by Susanne Bacon. I can’t remember when I had my first encounter with the website of German Girl in America on Facebook. It might have been as early as 2014. Ever since I have been checking out the blog on the internet, and over the years, its creator, Karen Lodder Carlson, and I have […]
Letter: When you no longer have to look where you’re going
What happened this beautiful morning, barely a ripple on the water, will probably never happen again. But what a morning, what a memory. With the oldest – and the smallest of our children – as cox, the rest of us remarked later how odd it seemed to not have to look over our shoulder. That […]
Letter: A portrait of a leader
We had gathered for our annual picnic in the park mostly to be together but also to traditionally share – in this month to remember our parent’s birthdays – our usual family lunchtime fare when as kids we were growing up: baloney sandwiches. My brother, whose birthday is this week, chewed a simple self-portrait into […]
Sake Sushi & Grill Tacoma Restaurant Review
Sake Sushi & Grill is one of those small, family owned/run restaurants you want to succeed, but they keep getting in their own way. Nearly two hours in a fine dining establishment is one thing, but Sake Sushi is not fine fining. The food is good, but . . . We sat a little over […]
The Dead Rat – A Short Story
I was just going through my normal morning routine. I toasted my seedy bread just like my wife always suggested. I slathered on butter like I always like, and made an almost healthy ham sandwich with five or six slices of bread and butter pickles on each half and then cut it in two. I […]
Across the Fence: Libraries
One of my favorite pastimes – and who wouldn’t have guessed – is reading. Ever since I was able to hold books, I was fascinated by their haptic and their content, starting from my first children’s books to the art books that my parents let me leaf through when I was pre-reading age. Today, I […]
Pilkey Hopping & Ekberg Insurance Brokers acquiring Taylor Thomason Insurance Brokers
Pilkey Hopping & Ekberg Insurance Brokers has announced it will acquire Taylor Thomason Insurance Brokers in a deal set to close August 1st. Both firms have been providing insurance services to Tacoma and the South Sound for multiple generations. Frank Ekberg started what would become Pilkey Hopping & Ekberg out of a Pacific Avenue storefront […]