Rose and I hadn’t seen Doctor Weirdo for a week or two, but we believe that if you start thinking about something or someone, they turn up for no apparent reason, other than you thought they would. Our doorbell rang. Well, actually, it’s not a door bell, it’s a door chime or crank. You turn […]
Kalashnikov – Film Review of the Development of the AK-47
Official Storyline: “Wounded as a tank driver in 1941 during WWII, Kalashnikov sees the latest Soviet machine gun fail. As he’s also an inventor, he starts looking for improvements and in 1947 ends up with AK-47 assault rifle.” A friend once told me a story about forgetting to clean his AK-47 after taking it out […]
Across the Fence: Gifting
Are you in the mood for the upcoming holidays? Have you been to one or the other Christmas store already? Have you maybe even wrapped your first gifts for your loved ones? Some people have started their Christmas shopping early this year. And for a good reason. We have been warned for months, now, about […]
Calling Doctor Weirdo – The Introduction of a New Hero – Episode 1 – A Question of Motives
From our window I saw the For Rent sign being pulled up and went outside to talk with the owner, my friend Ben. “Who is our newest lucky neighbor?” Ben responded, “Dr. Weirdo.” So I came back with, “A relative, huh?” Ben laughed and shook his head no. “He bought the place. He made me […]
Lakewood Author Susanne Bacon Launches New Novel Series
Have you ever read a fictional book centered on a military spouse? I haven’t. And as I have been pondering to write a series for years now, I thought I’d make my protagonist one of this literarily neglected species. It is obvious that I could use some of my few years’ experiences as a military […]
Gravesites and Pondering About Life After Death
Each morning I walk outside my home to pick up the Seattle Times. I sometimes have to search for the plastic-wrapped bag holding the latest news, comics, advice columns, editorial comments, and two cross word puzzles just waiting to be solved. Once I have the bag in hand, I look up at the sky. If […]
Until the Flood – A Harlequin Theatre Review
Although we have visited Harlequin in Olympia for more than twenty years, we didn’t really know what to expect with this presentation. We were using this production to introduce my cousin, Lavinia Hart to a different local theatre. Lindy has originated and run a successful theatre in Detroit plus taught drama and directing at Wayne […]
The Panto is Coming to CenterStage with “Puss in Boots”
A Panto is a must for both adults and children and everyone gets to participate . . . CenterStage is located in Northeast Tacoma/Federal Way . . . overlooking Dumas Bay Pantomime (or just “panto”) gets its roots from 15th and 16th-century traditions of Commedia dell Arte, an early form of Italian theatre. The same […]
Easily Entertained by Doing Nothing – An Essay
My wife has joined a strength and balance class as well as an art class at the Senior Center at Baltimore Park in the North End of Tacoma. I drop her off and then come back and wait for her to finish and come out to the parking lot. This happens several times each week. […]