One dark evening this summer I was hanging out on the covered patio at a Chincoteague Island, Virgina motel, which reminded me of a scene out of that classic 1942 movie staring Humphry Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, Casablanca. As I sat there under the whirling ceiling fans, I met a 67 year old woman named Jacqueline.
Westside Story – Stop Watching – Start Living
Recently I spotted a thought provoking sign and was compelled to take a photo which I have attached below.
Back in 1949 when I was only 6 years old, a miracle was taking place inside our house. We were one of the first families in the neighborhood to buy a black and white TV. We loved our new fangled gadget with the tin foil wrapped around the top of the rabbit ears antenna.
Westside Story – Advisory Robots
From my observation, Dave Anderson and I have a lot in common. We both suffer from verbosity and redundancy. I fight it all the time in my own writing.
I wish to focus on one of Mr. Anderson’s recent articles written May 25, 2014, and titled Letter: City Committee Openings – Robots May Apply.
Westside Story – US Oil Dependency Crushed
All it took was one enterprising East Coast scientist to crush our US oil dependency. He thought outside the box or I should say, outside the oil barrel.
I have included some actual scientific video leaked from the Delaware Test Site. Roll the film and you will get a solid idea what our work commute will look like in the future.
Westside Story – Call to Artists
I have attached a photo of a sign I spotted recently while visiting the Lakewood Towne Center Starbucks located at 6040 Main St SW, Lakewood, Washington 98499 T: 253-588-9404. The photo provides for an exciting invitation and opportunity.
Westside Story – Who Gives A Hoot?
Nope! This owl does not live in a zoo. He lives in the Leech Creek Valley in Lakewood, Washington. A friend of mine, John Anderson, who I worked with back in the 1970s, took this hard to get photo. This is a case of peaceful co-existence with nature in Lakewood. It is also a case of John scrambling quickly enough to get his camera before the owl took off. After all the owl does not give a hoot.
Westside Story – Oh Deer Me
In Lakewood, we often live in peaceful co-existence with nature. My photo shows one of our majestic neighbors. So far, we are getting along together just fine, but then again, he has not eaten our garden.
Westside Story – Lakewood Tab Tax For Roads
Did you see the recent TNT article announcing the City of Lakewood’s intention to consider adding a $20.00 tax to our vehicle license tab renewals?
Westside Story – Are We Are Turning Upside Down?
Back in 1964 I had a college roommate, Melvin R. Hibbard, Jr., who is still one of my dearest friends. I am the only guy on the planet who persists in calling him Melvin R. Van Iderstine, Jr. Because I love words, I continue to enjoy calling him that even though I fully realize it is not even his real last name.