Did you see the recent TNT article announcing the City of Lakewood’s intention to consider adding a $20.00 tax to our vehicle license tab renewals?

When it gets down to it, I am ok with the basic idea of a tab tax to prevent our roads from becoming like those roads found in third world countries. For an example of third world country roads, take a drive into nearby Tacoma, Washington. There are reports of Mini Cooper drivers disappearing into City of Tacoma chuckholes and never being heard of again. Tacoma has some nasty roads including deteriorated crosswalks that injure pedestrians instead of keeping them safe.
I do wish to request that our City of Lakewood give some consideration to making sure their proposed tax is equitable.

Using myself as an example I will admit that I am what is known as a Car Guy. My retirement fleet consists of a 1934 Ford collector car, 1985 BMW motorcycle, 1991 Ford pickup, 1992 Honda, 1998 Harley Davidson motorcycle, 2000 dump trailer, 2003 Harley Davidson motorcycle and a 2004 BMW Z4. Ok, maybe I have a vehicle hoarder problem and need a 12 step program. While it is true I own 8 vehicles, I can only operate one vehicle at a time on the roadways of Lakewood. Let’s be fair, my household can operate two cars at one time since we have two licensed drivers.
Under the city proposal, my tax bill might be as high as $20 X 8 = $160 per year or $1,600 in ten years. In the meantime another Lakewood household with one car and one driver will pay $20 per year or $200 in ten years. I will pay $1,400 more. With two drivers, my tax bill should be $40.00 per year or $400 in ten years if the City of Lakewood wishes to be fair and equitable with the taxing system. There is no intelligent reason to justify having me pay $1,200.00 more than other Lakewood citizens.
Our citizens who do not own cars and ride buses will pay nothing to maintain our roads. Buses are huge and create a lot more wear and damage to our roads than anything I own. Buses sport exempt vehicle plates thereby paying nothing through our licensing system to support our roads.
When it gets right down to it unless you are in a deep coma laying in a bed somewhere, most all of us make use of the roads even those who do not own cars. Even if I were in a coma, I am probably going to use our roads for an ambulance ride or two.
All I am saying is, “City of Lakewood, yes take care of our roads, but please look at all options and be fair.”
If any of you have constructive comments, please speak up. And remember while I would hope you agree with me, you do not have to. This is America. I will pass your posted comments to our city council irrespective of your take on the matter.