We love our history in Pierce County and there’s plenty to love . In fact, if the chair you’re sitting in is in Western Pierce County, there’s a good chance you’re right at one of the spots where Washington Territory began.
Westside Story – Social Media Safety Tip
I will not deny that social media, such as Facebook, is all the rage and those who participate are hip. I must admit at age 72, apparently I am no longer hip. I choose to not participate in social media for a couple of reasons.
Westside Story – Up A Creek Without A Paddle
When it is 90 degrees, it is hot in Lakewood. Chris Rymer found a way to beat the heat when he and his daughters, along with the family dog, waded into Clover Creek. The crawdads, ducks, Blue Heron, muskrat and fish were all willing to share the creek with these new creek travelers on such a hot day.
Westside Story – Family Resemblance
My favorite sister, Margaret Mary Morgan, just retired. Not only has she always been my favorite sister, she is my only sister.
I should mention my sister grew up sleeping in a twin bed, which for many years left us wondering where her twin sister was.
Letter: From reviewing golf (carts) to shopping carts to . . . Use of Force Policy?
Now that the U.S. Open is closed, the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) will wrap up its review of golf and turn its attention to the Lakewood Police Department’s Use of Force Policy – in about a year or so.
Letter: “The heart of the matter is the heart”
The title of this article is not original. That is, it is not mine. It belongs to former pediatric neurosurgeon – and Republican candidate for president – Dr. Ben Carson.
Tillicum Crushers to play for the championship!
Who would have thought.
Of five teams the Tillicum Crushers finished the regular season in fourth place. That meant that in the playoffs all but one of their opponents would have home field advantage. And that meant that all but one of the teams the Crushers faced would get last chance at the plate.
Westside Story – Lemonheads
I imagine some of you have heard me describe my life in three chapters. Chapter I involved 25 + years in business. Chapter II was 23 + years in public service as a deputy sheriff. After I retired on April Fool’s Day, 2013, I started Chapter III which is The Arts.
Letter: Simmering anger
What took so long?
And a number of other questions are asked of the most recent fatal shooting by officers in the Lakewood Police Department per the Tacoma News Tribune editorial.