A few days ago on, November 27, 2015, we published a story titled Westside Story – One Dozen Writers. After visiting the writers group at our Lakewood Senior Activity Center, I offered to publish a few of the works written by individual class members. These writers are ordinary looking people who walk among us in […]
Westside Story – Looking for the Funny
Funny is all around. This ad was sent to me today and it is not even Friday. It is Monday.
Westside Story – Death of KPLU
Toward the end of high school Larry King, a good pal of mine during high school and college, introduced me to the big band sound, jazz and Blues. I am forever grateful to Larry for his gift of introducing me to avant-garde music. By the time I arrived at college in the early 60s, jazz […]
Westside Story – One Dozen Writers
Recently I had the opportunity to visit with Ms. Jan Rich and her writing class. It quickly became obvious to me that Jan is one of our community assets. She, with great dedication and love, manages a writer’s group that meets at our Lakewood Senior Activity Center located at 9112 Lakewood Drive SW, Lakewood, Washington […]
Letter: How to carve a turkey in 27 easy-to-follow photos
Not like it matters these days after Thanksgiving any more than it did the day of.
Westside Story – Freedom of Speech
I observed a group of people forming up at the Lakewood Towne Center across from Five Guys Burgers and Fries. They were putting on look-a-like green protester shirts, dragging out protester banners, waiving protester stake signs while warming up their protester voices in preparation for yelling at the innocent public passing by their location. Pushing […]
Westside Story – Stop Rezoning of Gravelly Lake Drive
As I understand it, our Washington State Growth Management Act is putting pressure on city officials to come up with ideas and changes in order for our city to become compliant with Growth Management requirements. That is understandable. Our planning commission has come up with an idea that might well help in that regard related to the rezoning of a large tract of land on Gravelly Lake Drive SW. I get that. Our city council is set to vote on the proposal in December 2015.
Westside Story – Ghost Writer
have never been much of a believer in ghosts, haunted buildings or the paranormal. I have to tell you, this past Halloween season may have made a convert out of me.
Take a close look at my two photos. Do you see what I see?
Lions distribute dictionaries to Custer 3rd graders
Past Lakewood First Lions Club President Eric Warn takes time to distribute dictionaries to third grade students at Custer Elementary School.