The toilet-cleanliness-requirement question, and other questions posed in this article, should be among those asked by Lakewood City Councilmembers of city staff before the Council votes July 18 to create a mandatory rental registration and inspections ordinance.
Letter: No more Whac-A-Mole life for me
At least for now. Tomorrow – or later today maybe – I’ll probably take up my whacker and let somebody have it.
Letter: Cross-examining Lakewood’s case for rental inspection
At the July 5, 2016 Lakewood City Council Public Hearing concerning the proposed – and controversial – Rental Inspection Program (RIP), the prelude to public comment was a video by KIRO 7 News Investigative Reporter Jesse Jones involving a landlord/tenant complaint in the Laurel Gardens apartments located in the Woodbrook neighborhood-portion of Lakewood.
Letter: Sustained
I had hit a buoy. Dead center. Not one of those plastic buoys that give with the collision but one of those mid-channel, heavy-duty, metal navigational buoys that usually you find out on Puget Sound to mark the shipping lanes. I rang the bell and had my bell rung.
Westside Story – RIP – Truth in Nomenclature
Our Lakewood City Council is considering a program they call Rental Inspection Program which uses the acronym, RIP. Let’s talk nomenclature. A more accurate and truthful descriptive term for RIP would be Ridiculous Inspection Program.
Westside Story – RIP OFF
Recently a lot has been written regarding the City of Lakewood’s proposed Rental Inspection Program which uses the acronym RIP. Most, if not all the articles, talk about why RIP is a harmful idea.
Letter: The box in the attic – Independence Day reflections
It lay in the attic near the widow – the window such as it was. Eons of wispy cobwebs filtered what little light existed to barely reveal the presence of the old wooden crate nearly obscured in the semi-darkness.
Westside Story – Explosion – Fourth of July
It is the time of year when we celebrate the Fourth of July which means we are going to be surrounded by exploding fireworks. No surprise.
Westside Story – Lakewood Businesses Threatened
I am providing you with a list of four recognizable Lakewood businesses. Once you review the four business names and photos, I will pose a single question.