We’ve all seen him trying to catch the roadrunner using rocket propelled skates, painting fake tunnels on rock walls, and running off into space from a cliff and standing there until he notices he is completely without support. He never catches the roadrunner, so why should we copy him? The coyote is a survivor, and […]
Letter: Rental Inspection Programs are an admission of failure
When a city adopts a rental inspection program, it means the originators and adopters – city staff and city council respectively – are tired of ‘fire-fighting.’ In a word: failed.
Molina Healthcare’s Community Champion Awards
“I came here because I knew you would not turn me away.” The care givers, health professionals, and community volunteers had heard those desperate words many times. It was almost the rallying cry of the two hundred people who filled the hall. My wife and I were there in Renton to see our friend Jan […]
Home from Home: First Snow
As long as I can remember, winter and snow have almost been synonymous for me. I grew up in Southern Germany, and we always experienced the white load sooner or later. We built snowmen and igloos, went tobogganing down any slope we could find, had snowball fights, ate icicles, and simply enjoyed the sight of […]
Westside Story – RIP Rental Addendum
Disclosure: I am not an attorney. I do have 64+ years business experience including 48+ years in the real estate industry.
Letter: Renters’ and Landlords’ check-list for the Rental Inspector
With clipboard-carrying inspectors in Lakewood, Washington set to begin sometime after Christmas their examinations of rental bedrooms, closets, bathrooms, kitchens, and maybe cupboards, following is a suggested – in the spirit of the coming holiday – naughty-or-nice checklist of your own for the one knocking at your door wanting entrance to your home.
Having the Right Regrets
I’m not talking about major life changing things I should have done, or bad choices that I did make, but most regrets for me are for the little things in life that I could have done. You know, the little things that strike you in the middle of a conversation, or a song on the […]
Executive Director of the Transportation Club of Tacoma Retires
When I joined the Transportation Club of Tacoma in 2013, one of the first people I met was the Executive Director, Gary Gieser. He soon had me volunteering to be the newsletter editor, which I still am. The Transportation Clubs of Tacoma and Seattle work closely with the Port of Tacoma and Port of Seattle. […]
The Red Rubber Ball
I don’t recall the first time I actually saw it, but I’m guessing maybe six months ago. We have a daylight basement home facing Vashon Island and this one corner of the south wall is possibly landfill. We’re the second owners of the home. Perhaps, a squirrel uncovered the red rubber ball as it was […]