In response to “one of the largest punitive awards ever in Washington State for police use-of-force and wrongful death,” significantly involving Lakewood, the multi-jurisdictional Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) force has eliminated “the word ‘jackpot’ from its operational lexicon.”
Bargains and Swap Meet Treasures are Waiting – Goodwill Outlet Store
Looking to start your own business? Are you retired and not making enough money to live on? Do you just need a few bucks more each month? Or are you just looking to put clothes on your back and shoes on your feet. Don’t worry there is money out there to be made and many […]
Home from Home: National Anthems
Submitted by Susanne Bacon I hail from a country that, for a long time, had lost any national pride at all due to its horrible history. We have lost permission to sing our national anthem’s first stanza, because during the Third Reich it was seen as a justification to conquer land, not as a call […]
Spanky Burgers for Chicken – Restaurant Review
One of my new favorite places to eat is Spanky Burgers on Sixth and Cedar in Tacoma. Together, my wife and I like the Blue Cheese Bacon Burger, the Pulled Pork, the Vegan Burger, and the Salmon Burger. We’ve been there a time or two. I’ve even stopped in just for a chocolate marshmallow malt […]
Jesus Christ Superstar – TLT Review
The Basics: Jesus Christ Superstar is a 1970 rock musical with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice. The musical started as a rock opera concept album before its Broadway debut in 1971. The musical is sung-through, with no spoken dialogue. The story is loosely based on the Gospels’ accounts of the […]
Letter: FYI on PTC
Just so we’re all tracking together on the much-anticipated Positive Track Control (PTC), sometimes called Train Control, without which development 12 trains per day will not be barreling through Lakewood at 79 mph, don’t count on PTC to prevent vehicle-train accidents at grade crossings.
Letter: The umbrella
What is it about puddles and raindrops, blue rubber boots with green frog designs, and yellow rain jackets with hoods not up that beg for a leap-flying, pigtails-scattering, peals-of-laughter-the-air-splitting, water-and-mud-splattering (them and us and the camera lens) kersploosh that is so beautifully, and importantly, a part of childhood?
Dear Liar: A Stage Reading – Review
A stage reading is a theatrical production without sets or elaborate costumes. The actors, reading from scripts, sit or stand with only minor movement. Sometimes a stage reading is done to try out a new play, so the playwright or director can get a feel for the audience reaction. Often a stage reading is used […]
Westside Story – First & Last Ride
It was back in the mid-1940s when I gave my darling baby sister, Peg, her first vehicle operation lesson by pushing her off the top of Seattle, Washington’s Queen Anne Hill in her all metal baby stroller with sharp rusty edges and no seatbelt.