Have you ever been up to “The Mountain”, as South Puget Sounders call Mt. Rainier? Well, if you are living in the vicinity and up to taking the drive and the fee at the park entrance, you shouldn’t miss out on this. And if you are compelled to stay home, let me at least virtually […]
Westside Story – 20 vs. 2020
My daughter knows this great fellow, named Eric, who holds the title Son-In-Law, my Son-In-Law, and he is my friend too. Eric is brilliant. Of course, he is smart, as is evidenced by the fact that he married my daughter. Readers, please do me a favor. Whatever you do, do not ever tell Eric his […]
Noises Off – Harlequin Productions Play Review
Peg and I used to enjoy the plays at Harlequin reaching back nearly twenty years. We loved the dramatic productions as well as the musical revues and combinations like Rock N Roll Twelfth Night. Over the last few years we have been viewing more Seattle and Tacoma area live productions. It was nice renewing our […]
Westside Story – Sticky Topic
Can you believe it? It is now 2020. I began writing Westside Story columns back in 2010. This probably means Publisher Ben Sclair is shuffling down to Diamond Designs Unlimited to order my diamond-studded The Suburban Times 10 year pin right now. Writing Westside Story has been a lot of fun, but it is a […]
Heathers: The Musical – Review
At intermission my sister Deedee, my wife Peg, and I stood up and just looked at each other. We had just seen teenage drunkenness, sex, and murder on stage and had no idea where the second act would lead us. At the end of the play we were all chattering away about the actors, the […]
Across the Fence: Ground and Shapely
Have you ever been to Hamburg, Germany? It’s a lovely city! Why, though, is it the namesake of a meat patty between two halves of a bun, accompanied by all kinds of other toppings? And what makes it so different from a meatloaf/mock hare, meatballs/Klops, and Bouletten/Frikadellen when they are all made from ground meat? […]
Letter: My First Pet
Asking for advice. For a friend. He said his pet has outgrown, and escaped from, the cute little carry-along cottage-like critter-cage. Now, smashing motorcycles (he didn’t mean to); snarling traffic; cars and trucks, a bulldozer and a 4×4 all come to play. Even a fire truck but where are the firemen? They were here just a minute […]
Vet Clinic, Jan ’20
Editor’s Note: Veterans, if you are looking for some answers, the following list might just help out. Disabled Veterans eligible for free National Park Service Lifetime Access Pass Emerging PTSD therapy: Faster results, less talking Helping veterans age well after military service You can invest in companies that invest in vets? Foundation announces $1 million […]
A Second Home in Downtown Puyallup – ABNB
We’ve stayed at a local B&B in Puyallup as well as three different hotels. We enjoyed each one for multiple reasons. Now, we have connected with an ABNB (Air BnB) apartment in downtown Puyallup close to Pioneer Park and two of our favorite restaurants: West Pioneer Grill and Giorgio’s Greek Café. We’ll be booking the […]