New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: John Floyd Keyt; Joanne Louise Moran. Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: Nancy Elizabeth Franzica Kelly; Robert Lloyd Brown. Mountain View Funeral Home: Clyde Russell Harris; George A Newsome Sr.; Jane Olson. Week’s Dryer Mortuary: Yolanda “DeeDee” Jackson-Bradberry; William Wayne Coleman; Harold Leroy Merz; Thomas Orin Young.
Mike Griffus named Pierce Transit’s next CEO
A press release from Pierce Transit. The Pierce Transit Board of Commissioners has named Mike Griffus as Pierce Transit’s next Chief Executive Officer. Griffus has served as Pierce Transit’s Chief Operating Officer since 2016, where he directly managed about 80 percent of the agency’s employees, including its 500 bus operators. As COO, Griffus oversaw and managed daily […]
Westside Story – Six Shoppers Shot
During my half-century as a Lakewood citizen and City of Lakewood pioneer, I spent 15 years patrolling the streets of Lakewood as a police officer. During my last ten years in Lakewood, I wrote over 700 plus columns for The Suburban Times titled Westside Story. I still claim to be on the West Side but […]
Kid Life; Kebo’s Big Boy circa mid 1970’s
This story was originally posted in late May of this year on the “You Know You’re From Lakewood” Facebook site. There was a kindness in his eyes. The sort of thing that led you to believe that when he spoke, it would be the sound of kindness. Or timid. A softer shade of human comes […]
Off duty deputy responds to overdose
A social media post from Pierce County Sheriff’s Office. On August 6, the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office posted a tweet about an off-duty deputy who responded to an overdose call nearby. A NARCAN nasal spray and chest compressions helped the main regain a pulse.
Loss of a Spouse Seminar
Submitted by GriefShare. Widowed? Help is here and hope is possible. Do you dread the lonely days and nights? Wonder what to do with your spouse’s belongings? Feel like your brain is in a fog? Unsure of how you’ll go on? At a Loss of a Spouse seminar you’ll discover: Other people understand and have […]
Heartwarming Film “Stan and Ollie” to Play at Lakewood History Museum Aug. 24
A news story from Phil Raschke. The Lakewood History Museum is proud to present the heartwarming film “Stan and Ollie”, the untold story of the world’s greatest comedy team’s attempted comeback. The film will play on Tuesday, Aug. 24 at 6:30 pm in the museum’s new film and special events room. This outstanding 2018 film […]
13th Annual Community Corn Roast
An announcement from Tacoma Central Church. The Tacoma Central Church (1301 Baltimore St, Tacoma) will host the 13th Annual Community Corn Roast on Sunday, August 29 (11 am-5 pm). All you can eat corn, baked potatoes, watermelon, etc., family fun event. Contests, games, face painting, blood drive, giveaways, music, health screening, and much more…rain or […]
Harmful algae blooms found in Washington lakes and rivers
A news story from Washington State Department of Health. Washington State Department of Health is advising the public to take precautions while enjoying water recreation this summer. Harmful algae blooms have been found in some Washington lakes and rivers. Algae blooms can vary in appearance, but commonly look like pea soup or are blue-green or turquoise in […]