Today’s news is yesterday’s news and will be tomorrow’s as headlines will forever-more be dealing with grief and very little of it has been, or will be, good. “Good Grief,” was the phrase often directed toward Schulz’s “lovable loser” Charlie Brown by his comic strip “Peanuts” friends because the forever gullible Chuck believed Lucy would keep her promise […]
To Ponder
Westside Story – FedEx Spam / Scam
Photo & Story – Joseph Boyle Short Story: Step 1. Look at my photo. Step 2. If you receive a similar e-mail, ignore the spam / scam communication and push delete. Full Story: While out of the city my wife and I both received an e-mail informing us that FedEx attempted to deliver a package to us.
Letter: When Will it End?
My nephew is a member of a rock-band in Los Angeles that recently took first place on the red carpet at the Hollywood Music and Media Awards for their song “When Will It End”. Nathan was home for Christmas so I had a chance to ask him how he writes music. As with most artists he responded “I […]
Westside Story – Pierce Transit Fights Obesity
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in America. Have you seen Old Country Buffet patrons shuffling away from the ALL YOU CAN EAT SMORGESBOARD to the Pierce Transit bus station?
Letter: Slip ‘n Slide
Wasn’t the snow beautiful this morning? My son-in-law is a hunter and fisherman and the snow is his thing. Fishing in the dead of winter or tracking endless hours through the white stuff is something that at the drop of a hat or the ring of the phone the next thing you’ll hear is the slam of […]
“It’s Christmas Eve”
The three magical words were whispered through cracked lips from one man to another, the chains that bound them becoming as it were an electrical conduit conveying the message all along the line, the words of warmth betrayed however by their harsh surroundings.
Letter: Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail
What’s the difference between New Year’s Resolutions and good intentions? Nothing. Resolutions usually are characterized by their difficulty, are thus easily broken, and therefore don’t last long. Resolutions, without resolve, are merely good intentions.
Letter: What are your Governing Values?
If I were on one end of an I-beam and you on the other, and I offered you $10 to cross it as long as you didn’t step off either side, could you do it?
Westside Story – Graffiti Rant
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle The other day… That’s right, I was at Starbucks, which is a happy place for most patrons. I was highly disappointed to see that a lowlife had destroyed four of the beautiful exterior wood panels on the Starbucks building with their stupid gangbanger or skate board tagger illiterate markings. It looked […]